There are so many reasons people are attracted to Thailand. The beautiful country, the culture that is full of vibrancy, and of course, it’s cheap. What’s not to love about a country that has those three things among everything else? It’s no wonder Thailand has become a hotbed for tourists and adventurous workers alike.
So while you’re working in Thailand, you’re bound to have an incredible time that will change your life forever. Here are five things about Thailand you will never forget.
The Cultural Foods
If you head to Thailand being a picky eater, it’s not going to last for long. By the end of your time there, you’ll be fine with eating just about anything from bugs to scorpions. It’s simply just the life of the Thai. I mean, when 80% of the world eats bugs on a daily basis, they can’t be that bad can they?
Just remember to take things slow at first if you’re still new to true Asian cuisine. It’s delicious, but if you’re stomach is new to it, it may not sit well the first week or two.
Your English Will Improve
If you’re over in Thailand teaching English, then you will naturally improve your own English abilities. What’s so great about teaching others about your language, is that you’re forced to actually think about why we say things the way we do. Our native tongue is often an afterthought because we are so used to it, but it’s amazing how many little rules we mess up.
Also, make sure to try to pick up a few Thai phrases before you go and build your language abilities further when you arrive. You rarely get such a good chance to learn another language, so practice hard now and the rewards will pay off later.
You’ll Gain A Stronger Love Of Community
In Thai culture, the community is often everything and the most important aspect of life. If you’re coming from the United States, family is often important and sometimes so is the community, but the Thai take it a couple levels higher.

The Thai love and respect all people and go out of their way to show love and respect to others. Even if you’re a complete stranger they will embrace you will love and support that you thought only your parents and close friends were capable of.
Travel in general has the ability to provide you the skill of adaptability, but Asian cultures specifically often have more culture shock to adjust to. By the end of your amazing stay in Thailand, you’ll have well-formed skills to adapt to your surroundings. Traveling makes you learn patience, how to communicate using only your hands, and how to get through any number of unique situations.
Overall, you’ll learn that you can survive any situation, which will help build your confidence. Plus, employers love to see travel experience on a resume.
Learn To Live On Less
There’s been a new movement going through the world known as Minimalism. This movement strives to accept a life living with fewer belongings and after Thailand you may just understand this movement a little bit more.
The people of Thailand traditionally don’t live on nearly as much as we do here in America since we have such of a materialistic society. The Thai choose to spend more time with their family and less time at work. In addition to this, the culture doesn’t have a desire for many possessions that are seen as excessive.
By the end of your stay you’ll be able to be perfectly happy with fewer things and may later laugh at how much you rely on these things now.
Your time spent working in Thailand will be an adventure that you will never forget. Not only that, but it will have so many positive lasting effects that serve to improve your life. Have fun in Thailand and take full advantage of every opportunity there! Enjoy!