The popular website known as Craigslist was developed back in 1995 as an email distribution list to friends and acquaintances, centrally used in the San Francisco Bay Area. However, after gaining attention it became a web-based service in the year 1996 and gradually began expanding into other countries of the world. In the early 2000’s, shortly after the website expanded into other cities, Craigslist was flooded with posts advertising personal massages, therapeutic massages and so on. However, if you are an avid user of Craigslist you would have noticed that a few years ago, they stopped screening a large amount of these advertisements because of various reasons.
Examples of Craigslist Massage Ads
If you are curious as to why these services were attempted to be removed from the website, scroll down below for some ”interesting” examples of craigslist massage ads.
Exhibit A:
A little odd don’t you think? Even though it is “free” you never know what you may be walking into so try to be careful.
If you thought this one was weird, wait till you read the next one.
Exhibit B:
Although I am not an expert on women, I know that none of them would want to reply to that advertisement. I’m certain that they’d be very much disturbed rather than intrigued. I mean at least he said they would meet for coffee first, but that still does not make the offer much better.
Of course not all advertisements are written in such nature which brings us to the next example.
Exhibit C:
This craigslist massage ad is evidently different than the rest because rather than awkwardly asking for a massage, they are simply trying to give away an “untouched” container of foot massage oil. However, the ad is still a bit odd since the oil expired about 8 years ago. Pretty unsanitary if you ask me but who knows how useful it still was anyway.
These are just three of the thousands of massage advertisements that exist on the popularized platform known as Craigslist. Although there is clear reasoning as to why they attempted to remove craigslist massage ads off the website, people still find interesting ways to post them. If you are seeking an actual massage with a professional then I suggest that you try a different website. But if you think that Craigslist has what you are looking for then by all means continue using it as you please.