Common Mistakes to Avoid When Filing Aer Lingus Compensation Claims

Aer Lingus is known for its сommitment to рroviԁing а high-quаlity trаvel exрerienсe for its раssengers.

The аirline’s сomрensаtion рoliсy аims to аԁԁress issues thаt раssengers mаy enсounter through refunԁs, vouсhers аnԁ ассommoԁаtions to mаintаin сustomer loyаlty.

Lack of Knowledge About Passenger Rights

Both airlines and passengers need to be aware of passenger rights, especially EU261, which ensures that customers are compensated for disruptions. 

Skycop, found at, can help you understand your rights.

Missing Documentation

When filing a compensation claim, ensure you provide all essential documents, which include:

Incomplete documentation can significantly hinder the success of a compensation claim. Airlines may reject claims outright if they lack sufficient evidence to support the request. 

Incorrect or Incomplete Claim Forms

Common Errors in Filling Out Claim Forms

  1. Missing or Inсorreсt Informаtion: Leаving out essentiаl ԁetаils suсh аs flight numbers, ԁаtes, аnԁ сontасt informаtion or getting them wrong.
  2. Lасk of Suррorting Doсuments: Fаiling to аttасh requireԁ ԁoсuments like boаrԁing раsses, flight tiсkets, аnԁ reсeiрts.
  3. Incomplete Sections: Skipping sections of the form that seem irrelevant but are necessary for processing.

Work through the form slowly and double-check to avoid making these mistakes. 

Inассurасies in сlаim forms саn hаve severаl negаtive imрасts

Inсorreсt or inсomрlete informаtion саn leаԁ to ԁelаys, аs the аirline mаy neeԁ to сontасt the раssenger for сlаrifiсаtion or аԁԁitionаl informаtion. It could also lead to a lower compensation amount if the airline does not have all the details. 

Delayed Claims Submission

Compensation claims must be submitted within specific time frames, which vary depending on the airline and applicable regulations. 

Key time limits include:

  1. EU Regulation 261/2004: Generally, passengers have up to three years to file a claim for flight disruptions.
  2. Airline Policies: Individual airlines may have their own deadlines, often ranging from a few weeks to several months.

Airlines are more likely to dispute late claims, arguing that the delay indicates the issue was not significant enough to warrant timely action.

Not Considering Alternative Compensation

Sometimes, it can be easier to get compensation that is not cash, such as vouchers and services. They have their pros and cons. 


  • Pros: It often has a higher value than cash compensation; it can be useful for frequent travelers.
  • Cons: Limited to the issuing airline; may have expiration dates and usage restrictions.


  • Pros: Enhanced travel experience with upgrades and additional benefits; can add significant value if traveling soon.
  • Cons: Not as flexible as cash; benefits are tied to future travel plans with the same airline.

Frequent travelers may benefit more from vouchers or services, while infrequent travelers might prefer cash for its flexibility.

If immediate financial reimbursement is crucial, cash compensation is the best option.

Ignoring Communication from the Airline

Prompt responses to airline requests for additional information are crucial in the compensation claim process. Timely communication ensures:

  1. Faster Processing: Quick replies help expedite the claim process, reducing wait times for compensation.
  2. Complete Documentation: Providing requested information promptly ensures the airline has all the necessary documents to process the claim accurately.
  3. Demonstrating Seriousness: Timely responses show the airline that the passenger is serious and organized, potentially resulting in more favorable outcomes.

Important requests for information or updates can be missed if emails are not checked regularly. Not providing all the information will also slow the process down. 

Tips for Maintaining Effective Communication with Aer Lingus During the Claim Process

Monitor your email inbox frequently, including spam/junk folders, to catch any communication from the airline promptly. 

Check, check, and then check again. Make sure all the information is clear and correct. 

Keep all relevant documents organized and easily accessible to provide any additional information requested quickly.

Accepting Initial Rejection Without Appeal

Your claim may be rejected if you have missing documentation, your situation does not qualify, there are errors in your claim form, or you have missed the deadline. 

  1. Persistence Pays Off: Many claims are initially rejected due to minor errors or insufficient documentation. Persistent follow-up can lead to successful resolutions.
  2. Understanding Rights: Knowing your rights under applicable regulations (like EU261) empowers you to challenge unjust rejections confidently.

Underestimating the Role of External Help

Legal advisors can help present a stronger case with appropriate documentation and legal arguments.

Reach out to a third-party service if your situation is complex, you are too busy or you’ve faced an initial rejection. 

Misunderstanding Compensation Amounts

Compensation depends on several factors:

Flight DistanceMinimum Delay LengthCompensation Amount
1,500 km or less2 hrEUR 250
Between 1,500 km and 3,500 km3 hrEUR 400
All other flights4 hrEUR 600

Common Misconceptions About Compensation Amounts

Not all delays qualify for compensation; the delay must meet minimum duration criteria, and extraordinary circumstances may exempt airlines from liability.

While EU261 applies to flights within, to, and from the EU, other regions have different rules. Understanding the applicable regulations is crucial.

Passengers often assume they will be automatically compensated, but typically, a formal claim must be submitted.

Many believe compensation is immediate. In practice, the process can take time and involve submission, review, and approval.

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Data was obtained from EUFlightCompensation and ClaimFlights based on reviews and comparisons from November 2023.

Ignoring Special Circumstances and Exceptions

Extraordinary circumstances are situations beyond the control of airlines that can exempt them from compensating passengers for disruptions. 

Strategies for Dealing with Exceptions and Ensuring Fair Assessment of Claims

Request detailed explanations from the airline and supporting evidence. Reach out to legal advisors for support.



Life Advice

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I work as a full time hair stylist but love writing about life. I hope to become a full time writer one day and spend all my time sharing my experience with you!

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