Louis C.K as Lincoln – Now Let Me Tell You a Story…

Do you remember Lincoln? No, not the person, but the movie of the same name directed by Steven Spielberg  and starring thrice retired actor Daniel Day Lewis. It came out around the same time as Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, which the movie that you probably saw. Anyway…

As a Canadian, I knew very little about Lincoln (the man now, not the movie), and after having seen him (in the movie now), well… let’s just say I learned a thing or two. Say one thing about Abraham Lincoln, say he likes to tell stories. In fact, his appetite for stories was so immense during the course of the movie that it actually sent my girlfriend into a fit of rage, which was almost as hilarious as the movie itself. In fact, it was almost as hilarious as this recent skit by Louis C.K on Saturday Night Live. He calls it… Lincoln.

Louis C.K on Arguing with Slave Owners…

Being president of the United States of America was a lonely affair for Mr. Lincoln. With a crazy wife, half a country full of people that hated him, and a complete inability to make new friends.

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Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Linkeeyyyyyyy

Daniel Day Lewis as Lincoln

Now, there are a few important details that I would like to point out here. For starters, though I think Daniel Day Lewis is a fantastic actor, Louis… you really should have been cast for this role. It’s clear that you’re a natural, and I mean honestly… your conversations wouldn’t have been any more awkward than what Daniel pulled off in the movie. True to life? Undoubtedly, but man was Lincoln an odd fellow. I think a bit of comedic relief would have done the movie (and his life) some good, and not in the form of a story about birds either. You see, most of the dialogue went a little something like…

Lincoln: Now let me tell you a little story… there was this one time, hah, I was eating a piece of bread, and my wife came and sat with me at the table and I said “Mary Ann, how are you doing today?” and said she was doing fine…

Truly, the entire movie is just like that. If you haven’t seen it then please do, but prepare yourself… steel yourself, and perhaps you’ll find it as humorous as I did.




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Chad is the co-founder of Unfinished Man, a leading men's lifestyle site. He provides straightforward advice on fashion, tech, and relationships based on his own experiences and product tests. Chad's relaxed flair makes him the site's accessible expert for savvy young professionals seeking trustworthy recommendations on living well.

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