Ever seen the Rambo movies? They were pretty great if you ask me, especially the first one.
But I’m not going to lie, First Blood is really the only one with a half decent story, and even then, saying it has a story is a bit of a stretch. But they are fun movies; they’ve got just the right amount of ultra violence, suspense, and tension. They were also a product of the 80s, which means we can give them a bit of slack. I mean, fuck… it was the 80s! And speaking of products of the 1980s…
Rambo is Alive and Well on the PS2
I try not to pick on people when I can help it… it’s just not very nice. But Rambo, dearest friend… you’re not looking so great these days. I’m concerned about your health. Your face… it… it seems to be morphing into a rusted dump truck.
So, what did you think? For me, there was just a certain something missing. Yes, the graphics look stunning running at 800fps on the Playstation 2, but… I don’t know. I mean, it had the spirit of Rambo – truly, it was there – but it just wasn’t Rambo. The music was there, his slightly bewildered, yet concentrated face… his awkward punches, flips, and neck stabs… but it just wasn’t him. It’s almost as if they’re treating Rambo like an expendable franchise…
Rambo… you not expendablllleeeee….
Oh, sorry… I was just fantasizing. Right, anyway.
RAMBO: The Video Game is coming out later this year for the Atari 2600, Nintendo Virtual Boy, PS2, and “Personal Computers”. It’s being powered by Reef Entertainment’s proprietary Potato 3 engine, and though we don’t currently have the PC system requirements, we expect it will run on something like this:
So, are you guys planning to pre-order the Rambo game, or wait and just buy it day one? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
(Potato computer photo by ThePedrobl)
I’m going to buy it the day it comes out on PC! It does look fairly atrocious but it’s Rambo…RAMBO!
the game looks alright, love the idea of stealth and cover systems look sort of awful graphics but Rambo is the shit. RAMBO!
Yes, the game certainly looks like something… I’ll give you that.