Over the years, we’ve written about doors many times.
We’ve covered hidden doors, garage doors, and even smashing down doors, but what these doors all have in common is that they’re pretty generic. Sure, the garage door murals were pretty unique, but the doors themselves? Not so much.
Evolution Door – An Evolution in Door Technology
I think it’s safe to say that door technology hasn’t changed a whole lot in the last hundred years. Big slab of wood or metal, some hinges, and a way to open it. Bam, you’ve got yourself a simple door.
That is, until recently. You see, Austrian artist Klemens Torggler had other ideas… ideas involving origami-esque triangles of wood, metal, and glass, that fold out to, well… you’ll see.
Kind of neat, right?
Strangely enough, I can actually imagine the Evolution Door being pretty practical. You see, these doors take out the same amount of space as a regular door (otherwise they wouldn’t fit the frame), but what really sets them apart – aside from the beautiful sliding action – is that they don’t need to swing out of the frame very much.
If you’ve ever tried to place furniture near a frequently used door, then perhaps you share my annoyance at having to factor in the space required for the door to actually, you know… swing open. It’s a minor change, but a useful one.
Where Can You Buy One?
So, funny thing about that. This door is actually still in beta, and unfortunately I’m not sure if it’s in open beta. Yes, that was a nerd joke. What I do know, though, is that you can visit the official evolution door website and send Mr. Torggler an email. If you hear back, feel free to leave me a comment below with the details.
I would love to see one of you guys actually get your hands on this.