Let me start off by saying that I most certainly didn’t expect to see a Fallout 4 announcement, let alone weeks before E3 2015. When I got over the shock and watched the trailer, I was once again taken aback: they didn’t just show a cinematic intro like they usually do, but instead a full blown trailer showing the world as rendered through the actual engine!
None of this is a complaint, simply an observation. What I’m observing is that Fallout 4 looks great, at least visually speaking. We have nothing to go on in terms of gameplay or story right now, just scenes of sweeping landscapes and demolished cities.
Well, that and a voice you’re all undoubtedly familiar with…
Bethesda is planning to do a full blown reveal at E3 2015 in just a few weeks here, and I’m looking forward to seeing how the gameplay has changed since Fallout 3, if at all. Skyrim was in many ways a massive refinement of the Elder Scrolls franchise, and I expecting nothing less from Fallout.
This is going to be a damn good year for gamers. Get ready to bend over and… open your wallets. The studios will all be fighting to ease their way into your pockets. They know that buying every game would be a bit of a stretch for the average gamer, so they’ll have to seduce you with marketing glitz and glam.
Okay, I’ll stop now.