One of the great things about the Internet is that it gives people access to a wide range of things they may not have otherwise seen pre-internet; everything from art to music to historical trivia. It also gives people access to near unlimited cat videos, but that’s a topic for another day.
These pixel illustrations by Russian artist Uno Moralez are something I probably would never have seen without the internet. They’re so niche, so unusual… that I simply would have never seen them. That, my friends, is a shame, because they are absolutely incredible in a disturbing, completely unsettling manner.
These images are supposed to be both thought-provoking and unsettling. Moralez’s work is full of dark, disturbing imagery, with a touch of mysticism. They’re dreamlike and in many cases, erotic. Which is why I’m warning you now: some of these images are NSFW. If you’re at work, close this page and come back when you have time to properly appreciate the art at home. There’s a ton of depth to these images, and they’re worth more than a rushed glance while your boss isn’t around.