A while back I saw a trailer for a movie called Autómata starring Antonio Banderas. He plays a sort of futuristic insurance adjuster named Jacq Vaucan, and given my love of all (most) things Sci-fi, I decided to check the movie out.
Autómata starts out strong; think Blade Runner and The Road Warrior. Unfortunately, it just never seems to really go anywhere. It’s visually impressive, and the acting is solid, but… it just never really comes together. But I’m not here to review the movie, I’m here to share the fantastic opening sequence photos.
If you’ve seen the movie, then you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. As for the rest of you, there’s some really cool imagery in here. Probably no need to go see the movie, but you can certainly sit back and enjoy the photos.
Ask any of my friends and they’ll tell you that I’ve been wanting a monkey for years now. Not as a pet exactly, but as a close friend and confidant. Sadly, there are numerous laws prohibiting me from having one, but… who says I can’t have a robot friend?
I hope you’ve enjoyed the photos, and if you’re really in need of a Sci-fi fix, then by all means go see the movie. If nothing else, it’s really quite beautiful to watch.
Great photos, but some are missing. If possible, please re-upload the missing ones.