You know what I love about waking up each morning? I love learning just how little I actually know about the world we live in.
For instance, I had “never” heard of the Maldive Islands before watching a Vice documentary about them. You see, all 1,192 islands are slowly sinking below the waves as the ocean continues to rise. Why? Well, I’ve got a pretty good idea, but let’s not get into that right now. The point is that they probably won’t be around forever, so unless you’re dying to visit something akin to the mythical Atlantis, then you should probably book a flight sooner rather than later.
Sippin’ Some Vitamin D in the Maldives
When I write articles for you guys, I always try and inject a bit of useful advice or information that I’ve picked up over the years, even if the topic is silly or obvious. This is an article about the beaches of the Maldive Islands, a topic which should be pretty cut and dry, right?
Well, kind of. I’m still going to entice you with a ton of photos featuring the kind of stunning beaches you’ll experience if you take my advice and book a flight, but I’m also going to give you a suggestion that may just save your life, or at the very least improve your quality of life. Even better, is that it’s absolutely free-ish.

Since you’re likely more interested in the photos, I’ll keep this very brief. If you work in an office for a living, then you’re probably very, very Vitamin D deficient. This can lead to a wide range of health problems, but it’s also very easy to solve. You can either start taking a Vitamin D supplement, or you can get more sun.
Now do you see why I’m suggesting you go visit the Maldives? It’s a lot more fun.

Sure looks nice, eh? This could be you.
I hope I’ve inspired you to both check out the Maldive Islands, and also to get out of your home or office more oftento get some sun! Vitamin D, and subsequently sunshine, are absolutely integral to good health. Thankfully you can get a ton of Vitamin D just by lazing around on a beach for a bit. Could it really get any easier?