Car Health: Watch Out For These Common Warning Signs

We all know how important it is to look after our cars. After all, if you do not pay proper attention to your car, then anything could happen. There is a huge amount of things which can go wrong with even the healthiest of cars. It is wise to know what the common signs of problems are. That way, you are more likely to catch those problems early on. And when you do that, it means that you can solve those problems before they snowball into something bigger. In this article, we are going to go through some of the major warning signs that you should be aware of. Make sure you learn what these all mean. That way, you will feel much better equipped when you are driving in the future.

Warning Lights

Some of the most obvious signs that something is wrong is when there is a warning light flashing on the dashboard. The truth is, most people are not aware of exactly what the different lights mean. It is well worth getting to grips with the different lights and what they refer to. That way, you are much more likely to be able to diagnose any problems your car might have. When you start your car, these lights should turn on briefly for a few moments. If any do not turn off, then that is a sign that something is wrong.

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Photo via Pexels

What exactly depends on which light, so let’s take a look at the most common ones. The most worrisome is probably the check engine light. If this comes on and doesn’t turn off, then you could have a serious problem. You should make sure you check this out at your earliest convenience. Similarly, a low oil light means that you need to check your oil levels as soon as possible.

Strange Sounds

However, the signs are not always quite that obvious. You also need to be aware of other signals that there might be something wrong. It is always a good idea to be mindful of any strange sounds which might emanate from the car. Depending on the sound, this could be pretty much anything. A common problem sound is hissing. If you hear continual hissing, then it is probably a problem with your exhaust. Exhaust problems can quickly deteriorate and cause further issues, so don’t ignore this. You don’t want to have to take your car for a vehicle exhaust removal appointment, except as a last resort.

Unusual Smells

As well as keeping an ear out for strange sounds, remember too the importance of smell. The most obvious one here is that you smell petrol or diesel too strongly.

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Photo by Pexels

If that happens, it might mean that there is a leak. Leaks can cause significant ongoing problems to your car. So make sure that you always investigate any unusual smells. If you start your car and you get a whiff of something odd, pay attention to it. If you are unsure, take it to the mechanic and explain to them what you smelt.




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I work as a full time hair stylist but love writing about life. I hope to become a full time writer one day and spend all my time sharing my experience with you!

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