Finally Getting Fit – Believe Me, Your Objections are Weak
New Year’s resolutions sometimes come to a dead halt by February. That’s how it goes. Your resolutions to get or stay fit, that is. Promises …
What happens when you need to learn the best way to tie your shoes, or how to find a new job? You should probably let us help you with that.
New Year’s resolutions sometimes come to a dead halt by February. That’s how it goes. Your resolutions to get or stay fit, that is. Promises …
If you’ve ever worked at a company that requires selling, chances are you’ve been asked to do some telemarketing to …
It wasn’t too long ago that the world seemed like it was on the verge of melting down and reverting …
I recently wrote about a relative newcomer to the general search engine scene called DuckDuckGo. Unlike most search engines, DuckDuckGo …
I had a few people show me this video, and when I mentioned it to my fitness trainer he said …
I recently started going to the gym as part of my so-called “New Year’s resolution” and I’ve been very consistent …
Since I was a young boy, I was told that I was a mix of German, British, and Canadian Aboriginal …