The Comfortable Jeans Solution to a Casual Dress Code

Many people have an unrealistic idea of what working at a place that allows casual attire really means. Commentary from my dress-shirt-and-tie-wearing friends typically runs along the lines of, “Hey! You get to show up in whatever you want to wear. Sweat pants? Alright! Ripped T-shirt? Ok! Pajamas? No problem!”

Cool story, bro. Working at a company (my own) that encourages casual attire does not mean I get to wear whatever I want. It does mean I get to ditch the dress pants and tie – and for that I am thankful. However, I still have to look presentable.

This means that the spaghetti-stained Montreal Canadiens T-shirt I’ve loved for many years is a hard no, as well as my well-worn pair of jeans with holes beginning to show in various areas. (The most interesting one reveals what color boxer briefs I’m wearing that day.) We’re a small media company and we occasionally have clients come visit. No one wants to buy an advertising campaign from a guy who looks like he should be at home stuffing his face with cereal while shouting at a hockey game on TV.

New Blue Jeans? No, Thanks!

I have nice T-shirts, but pants are always a problem. A stiff, new pair of blue jeans looks great, but you guys know how uncomfortable those are. They’re nothing like our favorite, well-worn pairs. They’re hot, they chafe, and they don’t let us move with the ninja-like precision we need in order to… Well, in order to grab our smartphone off the desk when it rings. Or hop up to go grab coffee. Or save a damsel in distress. The point is that we need to be able to move!

Adding to the pile of pants problems is the fact that I ride my bicycle to the gym during my “lunch break” away from the office. I need to wear something that’s sophisticated enough to be office-appropriate, is light enough to keep me cool as I ride, and fitting enough not to get caught up in my bike chain.

Enter The Mission Jean

A friend of mine showed up to lunch one day wearing clothing that looked incredibly spiffy and comfortable. He said it was made by Mission Workshop, a company that specializes in stylish clothing for active people.

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I checked out their website and decided to give a pair of their Mission Jeans a try. Let me start off by saying that although they’re stretch jeans, they’re nothing like what most people envision when they hear “stretch jeans.” These pants are sleek – they look like something out of The Matrix.

They also allow you to move like someone out of The Matrix. They stretch four ways, allowing you to dodge bullets while doing back flips… or just pedal faster to make it through that next traffic light. They’re made out of a durable fabric that resembles workwear, so you won’t look like an idiot showing up to work in stretchy workout pants.

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Their five pockets is a plus, too, giving them almost as much storage as cargo pants without the bulky design. So far, I’ve biked with them, worn them to work, as well as wearing them for after-work strolls around the city and late-night drinks with friends.

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They’re the perfect all-around pants for work or wherever. If you’re tired of being hot and chafed to pieces, I’d avoid the tight, restrictive work jeans and give a pair of Missions a try!




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Chad is the co-founder of Unfinished Man, a leading men's lifestyle site. He provides straightforward advice on fashion, tech, and relationships based on his own experiences and product tests. Chad's relaxed flair makes him the site's accessible expert for savvy young professionals seeking trustworthy recommendations on living well.

3 comments on “The Comfortable Jeans Solution to a Casual Dress Code”

  1. Do these smell like chemicals at all? My girlfriend bought yoga jeans that have a weird chemical smell to them. Also, do they fade like regular jeans?

    • No, can’t say I’ve noticed any weird chemical smells. I haven’t had them long enough to say much about fades, but I’ll update the post in future with that information.


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