Who can forget Antoine Dodson and the “Bed Intruder Song” we brought you guys a couple of years ago. That songified interview with Antoine Dodson went on to have over 114 million views on YouTube. Can the Charles Ramsey, Dead Giveaway video interview be another major internet sensation?
Yes, I think so. In only a few days, the Dead Giveaway video has already accumulated over 2.3 million views on YouTube and will likely be available on iTunes once the momentum picks up. In this auto-tuned interview, Charles Ramsey is discussing his role in the rescue of three women who were held captive in a home for over a decade.
So sit back, grab some ribs, and let’s hear about the suspect’s big testicles.
I just watched this 3 times in a row. In fact, I’ve got it playing in the background right now. Amazing.