Remember when you were a kid growing up, those magical Saturday morning filled with highly sugared cereals, cartoons that induced epilepsy and having the whole day for general sloth? I personally remember one distinct moment one Saturday, which was going to the arcade with my dad. There were hundred of games arrayed before me, I gorged myself on nachos, pretzel, and cheap microwave pizza marked up a ludicrous amount. It was on this day that I decided I must have my own arcade machine, and on this day that I take you all with me on that quest.
Designing Your MAME Arcade
Now the first question to consider when taking that faithful jaunt down memory lane is: Authentic or Modern? Now while authentic does bring the charms of youth and that certain something special, we must consider the great strides made by modern science! The MAME, for my purposes at least, is the only way to go these days. That being said you might either repurpose a cabinet, or build one from scratch. Even so, several merchants offer DIY kits for sale, bringing that certain Ikea touch to the quest for that childhood glory.
So, do we go for the premade, or do we go hog wild and give this project the DIY approach? While a hand build does offer an extreme level or personalization we must consider a few things. What are your carpentry skills like and do you have access to electric tools? For most people a prebuilt is a necessity as you will either find that you lack the expertise or tools necessary. Don’t fret yet, as this option does offer a certain level of customization. It also offers a more professional finish, and quick and easy ways to pay, whether it is with a debit card or through the ever ubiquitous Paypal.

However, if you happen to be like me, money is more of an issue than time, and I happen to be not terrible working with my hands. With that in mind the internet comes ever equipped with plans and all the advice you need. Just a quick Google search turns up a veritable glut of plans, taking out all the guess work during construction. I myself have chosen a Bartop plan to save on space, electricity, and add an element of portability. You’ve gotta be able to show the thing off after all.
The last style I briefly mentioned was your out of the box Ikea experience. These suckers come precut with all the nuts and bolts you need. Just add some of that old computer hardware that’s been collecting dust and you’ve got yourself a a proverbial time machine to childhood. My good friends over at Degenatrons Projects have been hard at work making a one stop shop for all your arcade needs. From that perfect retro cabinet to control encoders, these guys are poised to be a one stop shop. Their first limited run will be a PayPal affair, but fret not, you can still use your credit card this way if you like.
I hope I’ve roused more than few childhood memories, so lets all get out those rose colored glasses, and get to working on reclaiming our glory years!