An ear popper? I had no idea such a product even existed until my wife started complaining about her blocked ears. I didn’t think much of it, but after a straight week of complaints, I started to look around for “non traditional” remedies. Enter the EarPopper, a device that helps to unblock… ears.
She’s actually the one that came across it and asked me what I thought of it. “Sure, why not”, is what I said, and here we are reviewing the product a few weeks later. We all know how annoying blocked ears can be; not only is the pressure on the eardrums and other related discomfort a pain to deal with, but there’s usually also a reduction in hearing from the built up pressure. The EarPopper is designed to relive negative ear pressure which can cause symptoms such as earaches, fluid build-up, hearing loss, dizziness, and headaches.
This is the perfect device to have on hand when you have a cold, airline travel, hiking/driving to higher elevation, allergies, sinusitis, middle ear fluid, and ETD (Eustachian Tube Dysfunction).
How Do We Get Blocked Ears?
Most ear blockages occur when the Eustachian Tube doesn’t function properly. This Eustachian Tub is a mechanism which equalizes pressure and ventilates the space behind the ear drum known as the ‘Middle Ear’.
When you yawn or swallow, the Eustachian Tube normally opens. Under healthy conditions, the Eustachian Tube keeps the middle ear’s pressure equal and ventilated. But when things are not working properly, that is when an unbalance occurs in the middle ear and forces pressure on the eardrum causing discomfort with some of the symptoms we mentioned.
How Does the EarPopper Work?
The purpose of the EarPopper is to help avoid and eliminate an unbalanced ear by opening the Eustachian Tube with air. This device is a great alternative to medications and sometimes even ear tube surgery. The EarPopper is used in health care practitioners’ offices around the world and it’s now available for personal use with the EP-200 Home Version. Using the EarPopper will only take a few seconds and it’s safe for adults and even children. The device works by delivering a constant and regulated stream of air into the nasal cavity.

It’s actually pretty simple to use and will only take a few seconds.
- Hold the nose piece firming against nostril opening to create a tight seal while using your other hand to plug the other nostril closed.
- Push the button to start airflow and all you have to do is simply swallow while the EarPopper is running. (Note: If you want, you can put liquid in your mouth to make the swallowing part easier. This part is recommended for children). Once you swallow, you will notice that the tone of the running device will change and that is how you know you are doing it properly. You should also know that the device ONLY works while you swallow.
- Repeat the same procedure on the other nostril.
- After five minutes, do it again on both nostrils.
If you’re treating Middle Ear Fluid, you will need to do this treatment anywhere between seven to eleven weeks. If you are using this device to relieve pressure from colds, allergies, altitude changes, or Eustachian tube dysfunction – use it on a “as per needed basis”.
Included in the packaging is the EarPopper device, removable nose piece, black carry case, four AAA batteries, instruction manual, and mini instructional DVD. The device itself also has two power settings, low and high (we always use it on high).
The EarPopper is FDA approved in the USA and available for around $169 on a wide range of sites, including the official website. Well worth the price for a device that works so effectively.
A Final Word
Overall, my wife is very happy with her results. Her complaints have stopped although she still uses it every few nights but her ears are doing much better than before the EarPopper came into the picture. I have also been using the device for the past three days because I caught a cold. For me, I would say each time I use the device about 85% of the pressure gets released instantly. On one occasion, I happened to yawn right after using the device and my ears seemed to clear up 100%. It felt fantastic.
Although it’s a bit on the pricey side, I would recommend the EarPopper. Think about it this way, how many times are you going to get sick over the course of your life and how many times are you going to travel? You will get good use out of it over the years.
I have labyrinthitis – 2 years now. My right ear feels plugged always, like I just got off an airplane. I still have symptoms of dizziness etc., etc. (Had a very bad case, my doc said. I now wear hearing aids and audiologist said the plugged feeling should have gone away. Doctors offer me NOTHING. Do you think the EArpopper could help me. Thank you.
Hi Harlie,
I looked up labyrinthitis and to be honest, I’m not too sure if this device is right for you. Have the doctors recommended “Gaze stability exercise”, “Habituation exercises”, or “Functional retraining”? (Yes, that was my Wikipedia search).
The price is kind of high for the Ear Popper but our hearing is precious and I think it might be worth it to look into it on the off chance it does work for you. I hope it works for you. Good luck.
Hi Eddie,
I have been suffering from Otitis Media, which is due to imbalance ear pressure from Eustachian Dysfunction. The problem is since last 3 years, I hade opted for Bilateral Myringotomy thrice, which is inserting the ear tubes in ear drum. But the problem recurs after 4,5 months. What can you recommend me for the above given situation, since i am too tired of opting surgery every time.
I would recommend calling EarPopper and talking to their knowledgeable staff who have experience in dealing with all types of ear related issues. Wish I could be more helpful but I’m not qualified to give medical advice.
i have tubes done and nothing worked for me been on lots off nose spray tablets i would love try ear poper
Used it twice as ears were clogged and on the very next day I now have mild tinnitus. Never had tinnitus before.
I was wondering if you Dale have had any improvements on the situation? I have tinnitus already and was planning on trying the earpopper due to not being able to equalize pressure when flying. Hope the effect you described was temporary. Best regards from Norway.
Used the popper the last 2 days ears are still blocked…the popper is popping my ear just not clearing you think it will eventually pop and clear?
Have you kept using the popper since? If so have you any better results?
Same with me it popped the ears, but it’s still block, I had an ear infection and was told I has liquid in the ear, I’m hoping it will eventually help me.
Thanks! They helped me a lot. I could never have thought that earpoppers would be so useful.
Does it apply pressure or suction to the nasal cavity? Is it a replacement for the Valsalva maneuver?
It applies pressure, not suction. I find it better than the Valsalva maneuver, personally.
i have had tinnitus for 30 yrs but i brought the ear popper for ETD paid £100 for a little blow of air, it has had no effect on me, i also found the eustachi to be a much stronger product, my nx thing to try is an air bed pump lol