I’ve got to say, as far as I can tell, Ubisoft’s fictional country of Kyrat is looking pretty damn unique. That’s not too surprising either; the Far Cry franchise is known for it’s incredibly unique characters and locales, and it looks like we’re about to experience more of the same. Sounds good to me.
I’ve shown you a few of the better Far Cry 4 trailers over the past few months, and today we’re taking a closer look at the Kyrat lowlands – a region filled with narrow mountain roads, rolling hilltops, and massive wetland marshes. We’ll also find one of the game’s many villains here, Paul Depleur, the brutal leader of Pagan Min’s royal army. Let’s take a look.
Welcome to Kyrat – Part 1
This is just the first trailer in a multi-part series that will take us all over Kyrat. Ubisoft did much the same with Far Cry 3, which leads me to believe that we’ll see one of these trailers every few weeks until the game’s release in November.

The Far Cry 4 reminds me a little of the television show Survivor, but instead of people competing in a (mostly) friendly fashion, they’re trying to kill each other. Each game takes place in a new, exciting location with wildly different people, places, and challenges. After all, globe-trotting is a good way to keep a game franchise fresh and exciting, even when the gameplay mechanics don’t change as wildly as the locales themselves.
For those of you that are familiar with Far Cry 3, you’ll undoubtedly remember the wing-suit. Think of a squirrel-suit and you wouldn’t be far off. In any case, I can’t say whether we’ll see that returning in Far Cry 4 or not, but what I can say for certain is that we get an awesome little gyro-copter called the “Buzzer.”
If you’ve ever had fantasies of flying around like the Gyro Captain in Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior, then you’ll be in for a real treat. I’ve even seen molotov cocktails in the game, so we’re all set.
Far Cry 4 arrives on November 18th for all major platforms.