I never thought that someone would actually combine two of my favorite things, and have the end result be so awesome. Like with drinking too much beer, or eating too much ice-cream, sometimes there’s simply too much of a good thing. Not so with Ferris Club.
Ferris Club manages to create a perfect meld between the wacky (and often realistic) shenanigans of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, with the strange cerebral qualities of Fight Club. As you’ll see in a moment, Classy Hands took the best traits of each movie and combined them into something both familiar, but also uniquely its own.
Ferris Club by Classy Hands

Ferris Club is inspired by The Ferris Bueller Fight Club Theory which hypothesized that Cameron imagined his own day off and that Ferris was actually his own alter ego, ala Tyler Durden. Shockingly enough, I had actually heard a friend “trick” his girlfriend into believing this to be truth, and not just a theory.
Ferris club was created by Robbe Reese, Lee Keeler, Brandon Brown, and Zack Graber.
Sweet idea, re-makes, but not as we know it…..