A lot of us have a hobby that we like to put our time into. Some of us discover that the hobby goes deeper than we think. It can be more engaging, more fulfilling than work. It can sometimes feel like what we were meant to do. So why let it just be a hobby? Instead, you can work at it and make it a real passion. In this article, we’re going to look at how exactly you do that.
Get trained
One of the first things about taking any passion seriously is getting trained. Whether it’s something artistic, sporting or athletic. If you’re not putting time in to start learning the intricacies, then it’s still just a hobby for you. There are courses for all kinds of activities you should look into, whether it’s painting lessons or a golf academy. You never know what tricks you might learn to elevate your game.
Find a mentor
Your learning doesn’t stop with taking a course, either. Once you’ve learned the technical side of it, you want to apply more knowledge and experience to your life. Particularly in sports, it’s important to find a mentor.

Someone who can share both a teaching and a personal relationship with you and help you grow. As you get more involved in your passion, start to know the more experienced practitioners. Build a rapport and ask them to train you.
Start competing for real
If it is something sporty or otherwise competitive that you’re into, it’s not just about learning. Or even about playing a lot of casual games. You need to really test your skill and push the boundaries of how well you can do. The only way you can do that is by putting your pride on the line and competing for real. You can find tournaments and competitions for all kinds of competitive passions, no matter where you are.
Get involved with groups
As you’re going on your journey, you should hopefully naturally come by a lot of groups. People already dedicated to that passion, who live, breathe and talk it. If you have difficulty finding them, there are apps that can help you.

It is important that your social circle becomes those kind of passionate people. They can further help you understand your passion and find higher level peers to practice with.
Put the hours in
Most importantly, you need to dedicate time and effort. Plenty of blood, sweat and tears goes into taking just about anything seriously. If it’s a sport, then you need to dedicate yourself to getting fit. You need to practice beyond the point of reason. Even if it stops being fun, you need to put the hours in. You need to get beyond the point of fun to the point of dedication. That’s the only way you can master anything.
If you really feel the urge to pursue the hobby that gives you excitement, then don’t let doubts get in your way. Dedicate your time and see how far it can take you.