Not all guys are into personal adornment, but if you’re one that is, why not consider AK47 jewelry? You read that right: Fonderie47 makes stunning steel jewelry out of repurposed AK47 assault rifles from Africa. The powerful weapon is cheap and abundant- there are about 20 million in the continent. By purchasing the classic AK47 jewelry, you can help fund the removal and destruction of assault rifles and other weapons and help inspire change in the war torn areas of the continet. Plus, you get striking accessories made of guns, which is super cool.
Fonderie47 AK47 Jewelry – Killer Good Looks (and Price)
One of my favorite things about these pieces is that the serial number from the gun that was melted down and used is inscribed somewhere on each item. Using the steel from the barrels, receivers, and other components the creators, Roland Iten and Philip Crangi, combine gold and other precious materials to create one of a kind items with features like hand engraving. Of course, just outside of the novelty of having AK47 jewelry, you’re paying for quality, and for the cause… which means you’re paying a fair bit. That being said, considering some of the crazy stuff we’ve featured for the disgustingly rich, this is a drop in the bucket, and a very different and beneficial project at that. Profits from the sale of the jewelry go to the Fonderie 47 Foundation, which is a registered non-profit that distributes to non-governmental organizations, which are then contracted by the Congo’s leaders to help destroy the weapons.

If you like the clean lines and simple stylings of these unique works of art, you can check out their website for more information on the series, and how to order. There are also ladies’ designs as well, in the form of earrings and pendants. While it’s a bit cumbersome, once you get a feel for navigation, it’s an interesting and informative look into the foundry.