Do you remember when you were a child? Those halcyon days of bliss and freedom? Of course, you didn’t realize how lucky you were back then. Sure, you might have complained about not having enough money in your allowance, and not being allowed to stay up late to watch R-rated movies, but in many ways life was good. And as an adult, this might be something you have started to understand.
You see, being an adult isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Sure, you probably have more money than you did as a child, but you have had to work damn hard to earn it. And yes, you can now watch whatever movies you want, tho if you have children of your own, you are probably forced to watch Frozen and Spongebob on a nightmarish loop. And there are all of the adult responsibilities you have to cope with, from paying your utility bills every month to having to act like a grown-up when trying to fit in with your peers.
If only you could go back to those innocent days. If only you could have the freedom to play in the park, read your comic books, and jump on a trampoline. If only…
Yet, here’s the thing. What’s stopping you? Why shouldn’t you let your hair down and relive your childhood days? Why shouldn’t you have more fun in your life? Remember that your age is only a number. If you have a yearning for days past, and the things you used to get up to, then why not go back to them? You can do many of the things you used to do, and still get the opportunity to watch an R-rated movie (only this time with no need for your parent’s consent).
Here are some of the ways you can relive your childhood days.
#1: Play the sports you used to enjoy

If you used to enjoy sports as a kid and weren’t one of those children who shied away from an oncoming ball, then why not return to them? And especially if your children are inclined to avoid sports, by getting involved in a sporting activity with them, you might actually encourage them to give something a go. Still, kids or not, there might also be sports leagues at your local leisure centre, and you might have work colleagues desperate to return to their preferred childhood sports too, so buddy up with somebody, and find out more about the sports available to you in your local neighborhood.
#2: Get on your bike and/or scooter
Kids and bikes: it’s a match almost made in heaven! Racing down steep hills. Doing wheelies to impress the neighborhood girls. Bunny hopping over tiny obstacles. Two wheels were fun and far less expensive than the four wheels you are probably used to today. Therefore, why not get yourself a bike? Then drive into the country, and take to bike tracks to relive your daredevil days. Or buy bikes for your whole family, and enjoy bike rides together, whether that’s at your local park or further afield. And why not bike to work for a change? Not only will you be able to weave through traffic on the commute, but you will also boost your fitness and save money on fuel. But if you were one of those kids who preferred racing around on a scooter, why not grab yourself one? You see loads of parents riding down the street on a scooter these days, usually under the pretense that they are riding it back from their child’s school after dropping them off. Secretly, they love it! And the experience is even better (and faster) on an electric scooter. So, ditch the car for a while, and have some fun on two wheels!
#3: Go to the playground (with your kids)

Playgrounds are awesome, right? With swings, slides, climbing frames, and a myriad of other things to do, you can have fun for hours. Well, you can if you’re aged 8, because you might look a bit weird otherwise (and you might get arrested). However, if you have kids, then you have the perfect excuse to unleash your inner child. “I’m just doing it to keep them happy” you might say to other parents, as you swing as high as can, go down a slide on your belly, and climb to the top of the tallest frame. Sure, they might tut at you, but who wins? The parents standing idly by watching their kids have all the fun, or you, the person who is actually having fun! You win! And hey, if you don’t have kids, you might still go to the playground, but do it after dark when everybody else has gone home. Not only will you look less weird this way, but you also won’t have to queue behind a pack of screaming infants when you want to try the monkey bars!
#4: Watch your favorite childhood movies or shows
Thanks to Netflix and the hundred other streaming services, we tend to watch more television than we probably should. With so much to binge-watch, we miss out on doing other things, and this includes rewatching the classic films and shows from our childhood. So, rather than watch the new movies and shows available to you on Netflix, why not scour the streaming channel for anything guaranteed to bring back nostalgia. Or check your local TV guide for the retro- classics, or head over to Amazon to order DVDs of shows and films past. If you were growing up in the seventies, you might rewatch Captain Caveman and Star Wars. If you were an eighties child, you could rewatch Fat Albert and The Breakfast Club. Or if the nineties was your era, you might return to such nostalgic shows as The Ren and Stimpy Show, and movies such as Hook and Home Alone. Alternatively, you could forsake the family entertainment, and watch those films and shows that were popular when you were growing up, but that you weren’t allowed to watch. Cujo, anyone?
#5: Play a video game

A few years ago, you might have been considered childish if you picked up a gamepad. But these days, video games are more popular than ever, and both young and old regularly play the latest titles. So, pick yourself up an Xbox One, a PS4, or a Nintendo Switch, and play games alone, with your kids, or with the multitude of people online. You might also want to download the retro titles of your childhood onto your console, be that an older version of Mario, or vintage Sonic. And if you’re somebody who prefers vintage gaming to more modern titles, why not pick yourself up a retro console such as a SNES, or one of the latest mini consoles, such as the PlayStation Classic which comes preloaded with such titles as Metal Gear Solid (the original), Ridge Racer, and surely one of the greatest games ever made, Final Fantasy VII. Your kids might scoff at the older titles, but so what? Let them play games that are hi-def with super sparkly graphics while you get busy with games, that while graphically a bit rubbish these days, might still hold up in terms of good old-fashioned gameplay.
#6: Go back to school
And here’s where your interest in this article starts to wane! Go back to school? With teachers, no chewing gum rules, and arduous exams? Well…yes! Thankfully, schools have changed a lot since your day, and there are many reasons why you should go back to school. You might get an extra qualification to qualify you for a promotion or a career change. You might go back to school to meet new people and pick up a new skill. Or you might go back to school for any of the reasons given here. And by going back to school, you don’t even have to enter through the gates of academia, because if you prefer it, you can also take some courses online. Okay, wake up at the back, we will now move onto something a little more fun with our next idea.
#7: Play a board game

Do you remember when you used to play Snakes and Ladders or Monopoly with your elders? Do you remember when you used to beat the grown-ups and then got sent to your room after being accused of cheating? Well, cheat or not, you can still play board games today. Many of your favorite retro board games will still be available, whether bought second-hand from retro sellers, or in rebooted fashion at your local toy store. Play them your friends or family, or join a local gaming group if you can find any in your locale. Of course, you must remember to play nicely and not climb any ladders when you should really be slipping down snakes!
#8: Eat and drink something you used to enjoy
Steak and vegetables again? Yawn! Why not tuck into a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? Or how about a bowl of Spaghettios? Or how about a glass of Gatorade? Sure, they might not be as nutritious as a plate of peas and carrots, but for nostalgia’s sake, and for the fun of it, mix up your meal plan from time to time and eat something you loved as a child. And then how about some retro candy? Your dentist won’t be very happy with you, but to relive those sugary sweet childhood days, head over to, and pick yourself up some Hubba Bubba or some Lemonheads! Then be sure to brush your teeth and gums straight after!
Don’t assume you have to give up your childhood. If you liked the ideas given here, why not give them a go? You might not be young of body, but you can still be young at heart! Have fun, and thanks for reading!