It’s been a long time since I’ve had the pleasure of playing a 16bit adventure game, but this video rekindles all the fond memories I have of old Nintendo RPGs, such as The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. College Humor created the world of Westeros how they envisioned, in full 16bit glory, complete with midi music and, in the spirit of Game of Thrones, copious amounts of sex and… family love. If you’ve seen the show or read the Song of Ice and Fire novels, you know that Jamie Lannister has a real thing for his sister Cersai, and what better way to portray that in a video game than through the use of mini-games!
Game of Thrones, a 16bit Adventure game!

I think my favorite part of the video is the Khalisi sex scene, complete with a Rock Band style mini-game to avoid getting pounded by her sun and stars doggy style. Now the only question is whether a company actually produces a Game of Thrones game. I can’t imagine us seeing an old-school 16 bit adventure RPG version any time soon, but I can picture a company banging out some shovel-ware in time for this years holiday season.
[Source: College Humor]