Get Around Your City for Less

With living costs rising quickly in cities worldwide, people need affordable tips to get around their community faster. People have doctor appointments, school, work, and social calls to make.

After years of staying mostly indoors, governments across North America have succumbed to the business lobby’s pressure and withdrawn health measures designed to curb the spread of COVID-19. If you’re looking for cheap ways to commute now that things have reopened, please keep reading.


E-scooters look like scooters you kick-push with your foot, except they’re electric. They can take you considerable distances, and you don’t need to worry about appearing in clean, sweat-free clothes at your destination.

Unlike cars, E-scooters fold up and can be stored in your home easily, so you don’t need to worry about finding a parking spot or paying for a parking pass. You don’t need to buy insurance or fuel. Some scooters take you further than others, so make sure yours has enough juice to get you where you need to go.


Famous cities like Paris are overhauling their street design to make cycling safer for everybody. The reason? Biking is an incredibly efficient way to get around. Instead of buying fuel, you burn calories.

Instead of paying for a parking spot, you just securely lock it up to a pole or keep it in your home. While bikes travel slower than cars do on the open road, in traffic, their speeds are comparable. A bike may even be faster for some trips, as they can deftly weave through traffic, so they move at a more consistent speed.

You don’t need to be young and healthy to bike, as e-bikes help riders of all abilities get around effectively.

Public Transit

Busses, subways, and streetcars (or “trams” in some regions) are excellent ways to get around. In Toronto, riders can tap their Presto card within an hour and a half of their first trip and enjoy a free ride.

For example, if you go to the store for an hour to pick up groceries, you can tap your Presto card on your return trip, and it will deduct the total of a single fare.

Great Mechanic

Cars may be major pollutants that contribute to gridlock, robbing society of millions of dollars in productivity losses, but they can still do things other vehicles can’t, such as travel long distances while hauling a lot of cargo without requiring physical effort.

If you rely on your vehicle, extend its lifetime by finding an excellent mechanic who can service it properly and source great parts. Industry leaders like AutoOne Service routinely repair luxury cars, modern electric vehicles, and everything in between.

They are also a one-stop shop that lets you book appointments online. Connect with a great mechanic near you to drive your car for longer and save lots of money in the long term.

Getting around your community is essential, and if you keep the above in mind, it can be fun and less expensive. Be mindful to get some exercise and fresh air where you can by biking, walking, or riding a bus, and be diligent when you can’t by keeping your vehicle in great condition.



Life Advice

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Noman covers automotive news and reviews for Unfinished Man. His passion for cars informs his in-depth assessments of the latest models and technologies. Noman provides readers with insightful takes on today's top makes and models from his hands-on testing and research.

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