Nowadays it’s becoming increasingly more common for people to travel over the holidays and not necessarily to meet with family. When travelling over Christmas things can start to feel a little lonely. This feeling is called “an orphan Christmas” because you haven’t necessarily got anyone to spend it with or any plans. However, this doesn’t mean you need to resign yourself to a lonely Christmas so we have some great ideas for spending Christmas when travelling around Australia, somewhere very far from home. You don’t need to stay holed up and alone and be sad because there’s plenty to do.
Look Up Events
Around Christmas there are so many events going on in all Australian cities so wherever you are you’re bound to find something. Figure out what parties are going on, festivals, markets, etc. This can not only be fun but you’re also likely to meet some people who you can spend some time with and not feel quite so alone. Spending Christmas when travelling Australia doesn’t need to feel isolating.
Sometimes spending the holidays alone and traveling can be an enlightening experience and give you a whole new appreciation for what you do have, but remember to still have fun.
Expect Barbeques
While you probably already know this (and if not I think we have bigger, more important things to discuss), it’s summer during Christmas in Australia so expect many barbeques everywhere you go! This is a great way to spend the holiday and many events will be open to the public. Keep your eyes peeled for stuff like this and just get out there throw yourself into the socializing. You may be pleasantly surprised.
Go To The Beach
Since it’s summer, going to the beach is a great way to spend the days leading up to Christmas and even Christmas itself. There will be lots of people just hanging out, playing beach volleyball, making food, listening to music and even more and we’re willing to bet a few will let you join in on the fun. And hey, even if they don’t, lying in the sun listening to some music and taking a dip in the ocean…there are worse ways to spend Christmas.
Spending Christmas when travelling Australia sounds pretty isolating on the surface, but in fact there are many ways to still have a great time and the best part is some of the people you meet may even become lifelong friends. It may sometimes be hard to put yourself out there and spend Christmas away from your family, but this doesn’t mean it needs to be a bad Christmas. Get out there, make plans and throw yourself into the festivities entirely and you won’t be experiencing an orphan Christmas after all.