One of the bright lights in the darkness of this past year stuck at home is having the perfect excuse to interview people that I respect and admire.
One such man is Sujeet Patel, a friend and fellow blogger that created Guys Gab, a fantastic men’s entertainment website. He was generous enough to answer a few of my questions about himself and website. So in no particular order…
An interview with Sujeet Patel of

What was the original inspiration for
Long story short, I had been running a sport blog network with a buddy of mine for nearly 5 years, and while our sites were wildly successful, I honestly wasn’t passionate about sports like he was. I was more into cars, technology, entertainment, fitness, travel, and things of that nature. So I decided to take what I learned from my sports blogging experience and apply it to a men’s lifestyle site as a little passion project on the side. Little did I know that it would grow like crazy and eventually become my full-time gig.
Is there a subject you haven’t had a chance to cover on your website that you would like to in the future?
I’m pretty active in the stock market and have been for the past 20+ years, so I’d like to start covering stocks, trading, and the likes.
Which of your next few planned trips are you most excited to experience and subsequently write about?
Haha, planned trips, that’s a good one! Unfortunately I’ve been grounded since March 2020 due to the pandemic, so I’m eager to finally get my vaccine shots so that I can start traveling once again.
How do you feel the pandemic has influenced your work as of recent?
Prior to the pandemic, I was traveling 200+ days a year, so a lot of work got put on the back burner. Being home this whole time has given me time to catch up on stuff and plan ahead for the future.
Which section of your website has brought the most traction to your website and what plans do you have to get the other parts up to scratch?
Automotive has always been our bread and butter, with that section updated at least once a week, if not more. The plan is to bring on some more writers to bolster some of our other sections to provide more consistent coverage.
What are your aspirations for this year in regards to seeking out new experiences to write about?
Right now we’re limited by travel, so our plan is to just hit the ground running once things get back to normal and make up for lost time.
For new people wanting to write for your website, what are you looking for in a writer?
Passion. If someone is truly passionate about what they’re writing about, the end product is just that much better.
What’s the story behind the name of your website?
Simply put, I wanted to create a site where guys could talk about their interests with one another, and I thought Guys Gab had a better ring to it than something generic like Guys Talk or something.
What’s your favorite personal feature, section and articles on GuysGab?
Boy, that’s a tough one, as I’ve been fortunate enough to do some really wild things over the years. The coolest may have been going down to Baja to test out BFGoodrich’s KO2 tires, spending 3 days driving around some of the most punishing terrain on Earth in these BC buggies. But there are tons of gems in our Cars section, so if you’re a gearhead, you should definitely check it out.