20 Hobbies to Replace Social Media: Enrich Your Life, Not Your Feed

Ever feel like you’re stuck in a social media rut? You’re not alone. Studies show the average person spends over two hours daily scrolling through feeds. 2 But what if you could use that time to enrich your life instead? This blog post will show you 20 exciting hobbies that can replace your social media habit.

Ready for a change? Let’s go! 1

Key Takeaways

Replacing social media with hobbies can enrich your life and save over 2 hours of daily scrolling time.

Gaming, reading, learning languages, and puzzles are mind-expanding hobbies that challenge your brain and teach new skills.

Yoga, gardening, and cooking offer ways to nourish your body and soul while reducing stress.

Creative hobbies like painting, DIY crafting, and photography allow you to express yourself and capture memories.

Outdoor activities, volunteering, investing, and home improvement projects provide opportunities for personal growth and community involvement.

Table of Contents

Expanding Your Mind Through New Hobbies

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Ready to break free from endless scrolling? Let’s explore some mind-expanding hobbies that’ll give your brain a real workout. These activities will challenge you, teach you new skills, and maybe even spark a lifelong passion.

Explore the World of Online Gaming

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Online gaming opens up a world of fun and challenge. It lets you play with people from all over the globe. 1 Some folks love action games like Fortnite or Call of Duty. Others enjoy playing responsibly on online casino sites.

No matter what you like, there’s a game for you.

Gaming isn’t just about killing time. It can sharpen your mind and boost teamwork skills.1 Many games need quick thinking and smart plans. Playing with others helps you work as a team. 2 Plus, it’s a great way to meet new friends who share your interests. So grab a controller or log in – adventure awaits!

Dive Into Reading and Join Book Clubs

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From gaming to reading, it’s a small leap that can open up new worlds. Book clubs offer a fresh twist on solo reading. They’re about sharing ideas and making friends. 4 You’ll find yourself exploring stories you might have skipped before.

Plus, you’ll have a reason to finish that book you’ve been meaning to read.

Book clubs keep you on your toes. You’ll read more because you know others are counting on you. It’s like having a gym buddy, but for your brain. 3 These clubs introduce you to different genres and viewpoints.

You might start with sci-fi and end up loving historical fiction. The best part? Scheduled talks spark creativity and expand your network. It’s a win-win for your personal and work life.

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one. – George R.R. Martin

Master a New Language

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Learning a new language opens doors to fresh experiences. It’s more than just words – it’s a journey into new cultures and ways of thinking. Guys, imagine chatting up locals on your next trip abroad or impressing your date with some smooth foreign phrases.

Plus, it’s a brain workout that keeps you sharp. Studies show language learning boosts memory and problem-solving skills. 6 It’s like hitting the gym for your mind!

Ready to level up your communication game? Let’s explore how picking up a new hobby can enrich your life and broaden your horizons5

Challenge Yourself with Puzzles and Board Games

From learning a new language to tackling puzzles, your brain craves challenges. Puzzles and board games offer a fun way to keep your mind sharp. They’re not just for kids – adults can benefit too.

Games like Scrabble, Chess, and Sudoku boost problem-solving skills. They’re a great way to unwind after work or spend time with friends. 8

Want to level up your brain game? Try brain training apps like Lumosity or Elevate. These apps offer daily challenges to improve memory, focus, and more. Plus, they’re easy to use on your phone or tablet.

Whether you prefer old-school board games or high-tech apps, there’s a puzzle out there for you. Give your brain a workout and have fun doing it! 7

Nourishing Your Body and Soul with Engaging Activities

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Ready to feed your soul and body? Let’s explore some hobbies that’ll make you forget all about those social media apps. Trust me, you’ll want to keep reading!

Practice Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation offer a powerful one-two punch for your body and mind. These ancient practices can help you chill out and get fit at the same time. Yoga’s not just about twisting yourself into a pretzel – it’s a full-body workout that builds strength and flexibility.

Nearly half of yoga articles talk about breathing exercises, which can calm your nerves and clear your head. 9 And don’t forget the physical poses – they’re mentioned in 40% of yoga write-ups.

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They’ll help you build muscle and improve balance.

Meditation goes hand-in-hand with yoga, giving your brain a workout too. It’s like a gym for your mind, helping you focus and cut through mental clutter. Both practices can boost your mood and help you handle stress better.

They’re great alternatives instead of doom-scrolling on your phone. Give ’em a shot – your body and brain will thank you. 10

Start Gardening and Explore Urban Farming

Ready to get your hands dirty? Gardening is a great way to break free from screens and connect with nature. It’s not just for folks with big yards, either. Urban farming lets you grow food right on your balcony or windowsill.

Start small with easy plants like herbs or tomatoes. You’ll get fresh produce and a sense of pride. Plus, it’s a fun workout that cuts stress. Just make sure to wear gloves and use safe tools. 11

Gardening teaches kids cool stuff about plants and healthy eating. It’s also a chance to meet neighbors and swap tips. You might even save cash on groceries. Don’t stress if you’ve never grown anything before.

Plenty of online guides can help you start. Soon, you’ll be enjoying your own homegrown veggies and flowers. It’s a hobby that keeps on giving, season after season. 12

Discover the Joy of Cooking and Baking

Cooking and baking can be a blast! It’s not just about making food – it’s a way to get creative and chill out. You’ll learn about different cultures through their dishes. 13 Plus, whipping up meals for your buddies or family shows you care.

It’s like giving a tasty hug!

Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all. – Harriet Van Horne

Trying new recipes is like going on a flavor adventure. You might mess up sometimes, but that’s part of the fun. And when you nail a dish? Man, that feeling is awesome! So grab an apron and dive into the kitchen.

Who knows? You might find your new favorite hobby! 14

Igniting Creativity with Artistic Hobbies

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Art sparks joy and fuels the soul. Grab a brush, snap a photo, or craft something cool – it’s time to let your inner artist shine!

Explore Painting and Drawing

Grab a brush or pencil and let your inner artist loose! Painting and drawing offer a fun escape from the digital world. These creative hobbies can help you cope with tough times and boost your creativity.

Studies show that doodling and sketching have real health perks too. 15 You don’t need to be Picasso to enjoy art – just start with simple shapes and lines. As you practice, you’ll see your skills grow.

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It’s amazing how a blank page can turn into your own masterpiece.

Ready to dive deeper? Let’s look at how cooking and baking can spice up your free time. 16

Create with DIY Crafting

Guys, let’s talk DIY crafting. It’s not just for the ladies! Grab some tools and make something cool with your hands. You can build a shelf, fix up old furniture, or even craft your own beer. The latest crafting trend is using laser engravers/cutters. These machines create some great products that you can gift to friends or even sell on etsy.com.

It’s a great way to chill out after a long day. Plus, you’ll feel pretty darn proud when you finish a project. 17

DIY crafting isn’t just fun – it’s good for you too. It helps you relax and focus better. When you’re working on a project, your mind clears out all the noise. You’re just in the zone, creating something awesome.

And the best part? You end up with something unique that you made yourself. No need to buy expensive stuff when you can craft it yourself! 16

Capture Moments through Photography and Videography

Grab a camera and start snapping! Photography lets you freeze time and share your view of the world. It’s not hard to learn the basics – just play with framing, angles, and lighting. 18 You can shoot landscapes, portraits, or anything that catches your eye. As you practice, you’ll get better at using settings like aperture and shutter speed to nail the perfect shot.

Photography is the story I fail to put into words. – Destin Sparks

Video takes things up a notch. You can record life as it happens or create your own mini-movies. Start simple with your phone, then level up to fancier gear if you get hooked. The best part? Both photos and videos let you relive great moments and share them with others. 19 It’s a fun way to be creative and make memories last.

Enjoying the Outdoors and Supporting the Community

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Get ready to ditch your phone and embrace nature! There’s a whole world out there waiting for you to explore – and it’s way better than scrolling through feeds.

Go Hiking and Camping

Guys, it’s time to ditch the screens and hit the trails! Hiking and camping offer a real escape from the digital world. You’ll breathe fresh air, push your limits, and maybe even spot some wildlife.

Pack your gear, grab a buddy, and head out for an adventure. The mountains are calling, and they don’t need Wi-Fi.

But hold up – social media’s not all bad for nature lovers. It’s actually boosted visits to national parks20 That’s cool, but it comes with a catch. Some spots get too crowded, and newbies show up unprepared.

So, be smart. Do your homework before you go. And maybe keep those secret spots… well, secret. Next up, let’s talk about how you can make a difference in your community. 21

Engage in Volunteering for Community Projects

Volunteering for community projects is a great way to make a difference. You can help out at local libraries, animal shelters, or food pantries. 23 There are tons of ways to pitch in – from walking kids home to raking leaves for elderly neighbors.

You might even share your skills by offering music lessons or homework help. It’s a chance to meet new people and feel good about giving back.

Getting involved is easy. Start by checking out volunteer opportunities in your area. Many towns have websites listing local needs. Or just ask around – your neighbors probably know of projects that could use a hand.

Don’t worry if you’re not an expert at anything. Most volunteer work just needs willing helpers. The main thing is to show up with a good attitude and ready to lend a hand. You’ll be amazed at how much impact a few hours of your time can have. 22

Experience Bird Watching and Nature Walks

After helping your community, why not explore nature? Bird watching and nature walks offer a peaceful break from busy life. Grab some binoculars and hit a local trail. You’ll spot colorful birds and maybe even rare species.

It’s like a real-life treasure hunt! 25

Nature walks boost your mood and health. Fresh air clears your mind better than any social media feed. Plus, you might make new friends who share your love for the outdoors. Studies show that time in nature improves well-being more than virtual experiences.

So ditch the screen and embrace the green – your body and mind will thank you. 24

Financial and Social Activism Hobbies

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Money and activism can be fun hobbies too! Learn about stocks or join local causes. These activities can grow your wallet and your community spirit. Ready to dive in? Keep reading for more exciting ways to replace social media….

Invest and Learn Stock Market Basics

Guys, let’s talk money moves. Investing in stocks isn’t just for Wall Street bigwigs. It’s a smart way to grow your cash over time. The S&P 500 has shown killer growth over decades. 26 That’s why many pros suggest starting with index funds. They’re easy to understand and spread your risk across many companies. I started small, putting away a bit each month. It wasn’t always easy, but man, it paid off.

Being frugal helped me save more to invest. Now, I’m seeing my money work for me.

Learning stock basics doesn’t have to be boring. There are tons of free resources online to get you started. Apps make buying and selling stocks a breeze. But here’s the key – think long-term.

Don’t get caught up in daily ups and downs. Stick to your plan and let compound interest do its magic. Trust me, future you will thank present you for starting now. It’s all about building wealth slowly but surely.

So, dip your toes in and watch your money grow. 27

Get Involved in Local Government and Advocacy

Moving from stocks to local politics might seem like a big leap. But both can boost your life and community. Getting involved in local government and advocacy is a great way to make a real difference.

It’s not hard to start. You can attend town meetings or volunteer for campaigns you care about.

Groups like SMALL BUSINESS MAJORITY offer chances to speak up for causes you believe in. 28 As an activist, you’ll need to pick your battles wisely. There’s only so much time in a day.

But the payoff is huge. You’ll feel more connected to your town and gain a sense of purpose. Plus, you’ll learn how decisions are made that affect your daily life. It’s a hobby that keeps on giving – to you and your neighbors.

Utilizing social media to serve as a communication tool for social justice can generate awareness, build communities, unite ideas, and share. 29

Boosting Productivity with Effective Hobbies

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Boost your productivity with hobbies that pack a punch! Learn to manage your time like a pro and set goals that’ll make your head spin. Want to know more? Keep reading – you won’t believe what’s next!

Learn Time Management Techniques

Time management is a game-changer for busy guys. It’s the secret sauce to getting more done and feeling less stressed. 30

  1. Chunk your tasks: Break big jobs into smaller, bite-sized pieces. It’s like eating a pizza… one slice at a time is way easier than shoving the whole pie in your mouth.
  2. Use the Pomodoro Technique: Work for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. It’s like HIIT for your brain – short bursts of focus followed by quick rest.
  3. Prioritize with the Eisenhower Matrix: Sort tasks into four boxes – urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither. Tackle the top-left box first, guys.
  4. Try time-blocking: Schedule specific hours for different tasks. It’s like meal prepping for your day – you know what’s on the menu and when.
  5. Embrace the two-minute rule: If a task takes less than two minutes, do it now. It’s like cleaning as you go… no mess piles up.
  6. Use a digital calendar: Sync it across all your devices. It’s your personal assistant, minus the coffee runs.
  7. Learn to say “no”: Don’t overcommit. It’s okay to pass on that extra project or night out if you’re swamped. 31
  8. Minimize distractions: Put your phone on silent, close unnecessary browser tabs. Think of it as decluttering your digital workspace.
  9. Set SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. It’s like GPS for your ambitions – you know exactly where you’re going and how to get there.
  10. Review and adjust regularly: What worked? What didn’t? Tweak your system as needed. It’s like fine-tuning your workout routine for maximum gains.

Mastering time management takes practice, but it’s worth it. Next up, let’s chat about attending goal-setting workshops to really level up your game.

Attend Goal Setting Workshops

Goal setting workshops can boost your well-being and help you achieve more. These sessions offer tools to map out your future and stay on track. 32

  1. Find local workshops: Check community centers, libraries, or online platforms for goal-setting events near you.
  2. Prepare your mindset: Go in with an open mind and a willingness to learn new strategies.
  3. Set SMART goals: Learn to create Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound objectives.
  4. Break big goals into smaller steps: Workshops teach you to chunk large tasks into manageable bits.
  5. Use visualization techniques: Picture your success to boost motivation and focus.
  6. Learn time management skills: Discover how to prioritize tasks and make the most of your day.
  7. Network with like-minded folks: Connect with others who share your drive for self-improvement.
  8. Get accountability partners: Team up with workshop buddies to keep each other on track.
  9. Track your progress: Learn methods to monitor your advancement and stay motivated.
  10. Adjust goals as needed: Workshops show you how to flex your plans when life throws curveballs.
  11. Celebrate small wins: Recognize and reward yourself for hitting milestones along the way.
  12. Handle setbacks: Gain tools to bounce back from obstacles and stay resilient.

These workshops can lower your blood pressure and cut stress hormones. 32 Next up, let’s look at how home-based hobbies can upgrade your living space. 33

Home-Based Hobbies for Personal Improvement

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Home-based hobbies can transform your space and skills. They’re perfect for guys who want to level up without leaving the house. From fixing that leaky faucet to creating a zen garden on your balcony, there’s no limit to what you can do.

Ready to turn your pad into a personal paradise? Keep reading….

Undertake Home Improvement Projects

Guys, let’s chat about sprucing up your place. It’s more than just making things look nice. Home projects can sharpen your skills and give you a sense of pride. 8 You’ll pick up how to use tools, repair things, and maybe even save some money.

Plus, your home’s value could increase8 It’s a win-win.

Consider what bothers you most at home. Is it that outdated kitchen? Or perhaps the bathroom needs a refresh? If you’re new to this, start small. Paint a room or swap out some light fixtures.

As you gain confidence, you can take on larger tasks. YouTube is a great resource for DIY tips. And don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it. Home improvement is a fantastic way to invest your time and enhance your life34

Beautify Your Space through Gardening and Landscaping

Ready to make your yard the envy of the block? Gardening and landscaping can turn your space into a sweet oasis. It’s not just about looks – digging in the dirt is great exercise and a real mood-booster11 Plus, you’ll slash your stress levels while you’re at it. Growing your own veggies is a win-win: fresher food on your plate and a chance to teach the kids about nature.

Sprucing up your outdoor area doesn’t have to break the bank. Start small with a few potted plants or a tiny herb garden. As you get the hang of it, branch out to bigger projects. Maybe add a rock garden or build a fire pit for those chill nights with friends.

The best part? You’ll feel proud every time you step outside and see what you’ve created with your own two hands. 35

Helping Others and the Planet

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Want to make a real difference? Helping others and the planet is a great way to start. You can volunteer at shelters or join clean-up efforts. These activities boost your mood and create positive change.

Ready to learn more about how you can help? Keep reading!

Volunteer at Shelters

Volunteering at animal shelters can be a rewarding way to help furry friends in need. Many shelters offer free housing and perks for volunteers who feed, bathe, and walk animals. 36 You’ll find chances to lend a hand across the U.S. and Mexico.

But heads up – working with sick pets can be tough. It’s smart to prep yourself mentally before jumping in. 36 Still, the joy of making a difference in an animal’s life is hard to beat.

Shelters always need more hands on deck. Tasks range from simple stuff like filling food bowls to more hands-on care like giving baths. You might even get to take dogs for walks or play with cats. 37 It’s a great way to get your pet fix if you can’t have one at home. Plus, you’ll meet other animal lovers and learn new skills. Who knows? You might even find your new best friend waiting for you at the shelter.

Participate in Environmental Clean-Up

Guys, let’s talk about cleaning up our planet. It’s not just about picking up trash – it’s about making a real difference. Local groups often lead these efforts, and they need our help.

You can join beach cleanupsriver restorations, or park beautification projects. It’s a great way to meet like-minded folks and feel good about your impact. 39

These cleanup events do more than just tidy up. They spark change in how we treat our environment. By getting involved, you’re helping shape policies that protect our world. Plus, you’ll learn cool stuff about local ecosystems and how to keep them healthy.

It’s a win-win – you help the planet and boost your own know-how at the same time. 38

Strategies to Combat Social Media Addiction

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Kick your social media habit with smart tactics. Set up no-phone zones at home. Limit your daily app time. These small changes can make a big difference. Want to learn more ways to break free from the scroll? Keep reading!

Establish Tech-Free Zones

Tech-free zones are a game-changer for guys looking to break free from social media’s grip. Set up spots in your home where phones and tablets are off-limits. Your bedroom is a great place to start.

No screens before bed means better sleep and less stress. Make meal times a no-phone zone too. You’ll enjoy your food more and actually talk to people face-to-face. 41Harvard Business Review backs this up. They say tech-free zones help fight social media addiction. It’s not just about willpower. It’s about changing your environment. Put your phone in another room when you’re working.

Leave it at home when you go for a walk. Soon, you’ll find you don’t miss it as much as you thought. You might even feel happier and more focused. That’s what real life is all about – not just likes and comments. 40

Implement Daily Tech Use Limits

Now that you’ve set up tech-free zones, let’s tackle daily limits. Cutting back on screen time isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. Start small – maybe 30 minutes less each day. Use apps like Freedom or RescueTime to track and limit your usage.

These tools can block distracting sites and apps when you need focus time.

Set clear goals for your tech use. Maybe you want to check social media only twice a day. Or perhaps you’ll put your phone away an hour before bed. Whatever you choose, stick to it.

It might feel tough at first, but your brain will thank you. Less tech often means better sleep, more real-life chats, and a clearer head. Plus, you’ll have more time for those new hobbies you’ve been wanting to try! 4243

People Also Ask

How can hobbies boost my mental health better than social media?

Hobbies like outdoor activities and DIY projects can lift your spirits. They boost happiness and resilience. Unlike scrolling through Instagram or TikTok, hobbies give you a real sense of accomplishment. They’re a form of self-care that can chase away loneliness and improve your state of mind.

What hobbies can help me meet new people without using social networks?

Try pet sitting or mystery shopping. These get you out and about, meeting folks face-to-face. You might even earn some cash! It beats chatting on Facebook or WhatsApp. Real-life connections often feel more satisfying than online ones.

Are there hobbies that can replace the dopamine hit from social media likes?

Absolutely! Physical activities like hiking or dancing can give you a natural high. Arts and crafts provide a sense of achievement. These pleasures last longer than a fleeting like on Snapchat. They motivate you intrinsically, not through external validation.

How can hobbies improve my cognitive skills more than browsing news feeds?

Hobbies engage your brain in new ways. Learning an instrument or a language challenges your mind more than passive scrolling. These activities sharpen your attention and boost cognitive function. It’s way more enriching than mindlessly tapping through stories on social media sites.

Can hobbies help introverts socialize without the pressure of social media?

Yes! Introverts can find low-pressure ways to connect through hobbies. Join a book club or take a cooking class. These settings let you interact at your own pace. It’s less overwhelming than the constant chatter of social networks. Plus, you’ll meet people with shared interests.

How do hobbies protect my privacy better than social media platforms?

Hobbies don’t require you to share personal data like social media does. You won’t worry about GDPR or spammers when you’re gardening or bird-watching. Hobbies let you enjoy life without compromising your privacy. It’s a refreshing break from the data-hungry world of smartphones and apps.


^ https://royalexaminer.com/exploring-online-hobbies-for-digital-engagement-and-learning/

^ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8933808/

^ https://womcom.org/book-club-benefits-5-reasons-you-should-join-a-book-club/

^ https://phdlife.warwick.ac.uk/2021/09/15/engaging-with-reading-clubs-using-a-quiet-hobby-to-make-friends/ (2021-09-15)

^ https://medium.com/my-greek-teacher/why-take-up-a-new-language-as-a-hobby-aa79cc8a6e71

^ https://emmatrentman.com/2022/03/18/language-ideologies-in-the-wild-language-learning-as-a-hobby/ (2022-03-18)

^ https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/life-like-puzzle-game-journey-filled-challenges-twists-bakshi-pgewc

^ https://www.betterup.com/blog/best-hobbies-to-do-after-work (2023-09-13)

^ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5793011/

^ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10229855/

^ https://www.thenationshealth.org/content/47/5/17

^ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6949143/

^ https://medium.com/dishmeetup/my-therapeutic-relationship-with-food-cc7803f36f32

^ https://reclaiminghealthblog.com/2024/02/13/cooking-to-nourish-your-mind-body-soul/ (2024-02-13)

^ https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/01/well/mind/coronavirus-health-benefits-drawing-art-hobbies.html

^ https://sometimes-homemade.com/artistic-hobbies/

^ https://www.classpop.com/magazine/creative-hobbies (2024-05-21)

^ https://williamthewriter.medium.com/photography-as-a-hobby-capturing-moments-creating-art-f5de4fed0d2e

^ https://inspirations-blog.com/2023/08/08/capturing-the-moments-of-life/

^ https://www.nwhikers.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=8038672 (2024-06-10)

^ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212571X23000045

^ https://www.samhsa.gov/sites/default/files/volunteer_handbook.pdf

^ https://dosomething.org/article/community-service-project-ideas

^ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8549856/

^ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8323953/

^ https://www.theinvestorspodcast.com/episodes/stock-market-basics-financial-independence-w-clay-finck-kyle-grieve/

^ https://rpc.cfainstitute.org/-/media/documents/article/industry-research/finfluencer-report.pdf (2024-01-11)

^ https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-get-locally-involved-activism-emilie-aries

^ https://online.maryville.edu/blog/a-guide-to-social-media-activism/ (2019-11-25)

^ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7799745/

^ https://www.rainsalestraining.com/blog/time-management-tips-to-boost-your-productivity (2024-06-27)

^ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2863117/

^ https://hbr.org/2021/10/can-hobbies-actually-make-you-a-better-person (2021-10-29)

^ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10449002/

^ https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02614367.2022.2123551

^ https://www.worldpackers.com/articles/volunteering-at-animal-shelters

^ https://epublications.marquette.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1053&context=cps_professional

^ https://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/EHP6274

^ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1462901121003245

^ https://hbr.org/2022/11/our-social-media-addiction

^ https://www.clemenceprosen.com/post/breaking-the-cycle-how-to-combat-social-media-addiction (2024-04-14)

^ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7044631/

^ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9707397/



Life Advice

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Rasha writes about family, parenting, and home décor for Unfinished Man. Drawing from her experiences raising her own kids, she provides tips on creating warm, welcoming spaces. Rasha also shares home staging expertise to help transform houses into magazine-worthy dream homes.

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