How Often Should You Drive Your Car? 6 Crucial Tips to Prevent Damage

Wondering if you’re driving your car enough? Driving at least once a week is key to avoid damage. This article will guide you on maintaining your vehicle through regular use, offering six crucial tips.

Keep reading for valuable insights.

Key Takeaways

According to Price Benowitz Accident Injury Lawyers, LLP, you should drive your car at least once a week for 20–30 minutes to keep the battery charged and fluids moving.

Check tire pressure regularly, change oil, and use fuel stabilizer if driving less often to avoid damage.

Inspect and replace spark plugs every 30,000 miles to ensure good engine performance.

Keep windshield wipers in good condition for clear vision during bad weather by using them regularly and replacing when needed.

Not driving your car can lead to flat tires, battery drain, brake issues, and fluid problems.

Understanding the Importance of Regular Car Use

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Driving your car often keeps it in good shape. It helps every part of the car work better, like keeping the battery charged and moving fluids through the engine.

Maintaining the Car Battery

To keep your car’s battery chargeddrive it at least once a week. This stops the battery from draining and lets the alternator recharge it. If you’re not driving often, use a Battery Tender trickle charger.

It will keep your battery in top shape without overcharging it.

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Next up, let’s talk about how to manage fuel and other fluids in your car…

Managing Fuel and Other Fluids

Driving keeps liquids like gasoline and engine oil moving. This stops them from sitting still too long, which can harm your car. Use a fuel stabilizer if you’re not driving much. It protects your gasoline in the tank.

Regular use helps these fluids do their job better, keeping parts running smooth. For cars parked long-term, changing oil and other liquids is key to avoid damage.

Keeping Tires in Good Condition

To keep tires in great shape, drive your car at least once a week. This stops flat spots from forming on the tires. Make sure to check tire pressure regularly and fill them with air as needed, especially if your car sits still for long periods.

It’s key to inspect tires for wear and tear, too—look out for any cuts or bulges on the sidewall.

Tires are like shoes; they need care to perform their best. Rotate them every 5,000 miles to ensure even wear. Also, remember, alignments are crucial for smooth handling on the road and can help prevent uneven tire wear. Keeping these things in mind helps your car stay ready for action and avoids unnecessary trips to the garage.

Ensuring Brakes Function Properly

Driving your car at least once a week for 20–30 minutes helps avoid brake problems. This keeps rotors from rusting and ensures the brake system stays in good condition. I learned this firsthand after leaving my truck parked too long.

The brakes began to squeak, and the pedal felt odd. A mechanic told me it was because I wasn’t driving enough.

Next up, let’s talk about checking and replacing spark plugs. They’re crucial for your car’s performance, but often overlooked until there’s a problem.

Checking and Replacing Spark Plugs

Spark plugs need checking and changing to keep your car running well. Over time, they wear out and can’t make the engine work as it should. I learned this firsthand when my car started to struggle with starting and lost power on hills.

Mechanics say you should check your spark plugs every 30,000 miles. If they look worn or dirty, it’s time for new ones. This simple step can save you from bigger car troubles down the road.

Changing spark plugs is a clear task but requires some tools like a socket wrench and a gap gauge to ensure each new plug fits perfectly for your vehicle’s needs. It’s not just about taking the old ones out and putting in new ones; setting them up right makes sure your engine runs smoothly.

Shops charge for this service, but doing it yourself saves money and improves how well your car drives – especially important before long trips or after noticing issues like rough idling or trouble with acceleration.

Caring for Windshield Wipers

Keep your windshield clear by taking care of the wipers. Cars sitting idle can harm these parts, making them crack and harden. To avoid this, use them regularly; it keeps the rubber flexible.

Also, inspecting and swapping out old wipers is key for good visibility in bad weather.

Clear vision starts with well-kept windshield wipers.

Make sure to replace your vehicle’s wipers before they fail you during a storm. Doing so ensures you always have a clear view ahead, especially critical after dark or in heavy rain.

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This simple step prevents bigger problems and keeps you safe on the road.

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To prevent your car from damage, driving it often is key. Make sure you use your car at least once a week for 20–30 minutes.

  1. This length of time ensures the car’s battery stays charged. I found this out after my sedan’s battery died after sitting too long.
  2. Driving for half an hour lets the engine and other parts warm up to the right temperature.
  3. On these drives, get the car at least 15–20 miles out. This helps all oils flow properly and keeps everything lubricated.
  4. Such trips also prevent fuel from going bad in the tank due to stagnation or evaporation issues.
  5. Making sure tires roll regularly, avoids flat spots and checks their air pressure naturally.
  6. Brakes too benefit from regular use; it prevents rust on brake pads and disks, ensuring they stay effective.
  7. Plan these drives to include a mix of speeds – it tests both manual and automatic transmissions smoothly.

Each point contributes to maintaining your vehicle in top-notch condition, keeping you ready for any road trip without surprise breakdowns or costly repairs.

Risks of Not Driving Your Car Regularly

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Leaving your car parked for too long can lead to serious problems. Your battery may lose its charge, making it impossible to start the vehicle. This happened to my friend’s car after not using it for a month.

The brakes can also suffer; rust might form on them, raising the risk of brake failure. Tires get flat spots when they sit in one place too long, which affects how smoothly your car drives.

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Fluids in your car need moving through the engine and other parts to stay fresh. Not driving means these oils and coolants stagnate, leading to damage over time. Spark plugs can seize up without use; I had to replace mine after leaving my car idle too long.

In short, driving regularly keeps everything working as it should—skipping this simple step could cost you more in repairs and headaches later on.

FAQs About How Often You Should Drive Your Car

How often should I drive my car to keep it in good shape?

Drive your car regularly… helps avoid issues with the battery, brakes, and tires. Aim for at least once a week.

Why is changing my oil so important?

Oil changes keep your engine happy and healthy… Prevents nasty buildup and ensures everything runs smoothly.

Can parking my car without using the parking brake cause damage?

Yes! Always use your parking brake, especially on hills… It keeps stress off the transmission and prevents wear.

Should I worry about fuel economy when driving often?

Absolutely! Regular driving improves fuel economy by keeping the engine in optimal condition… Plus, you’ll save money on gas in the long run.

What maintenance should I do before a long trip?

Check your lights—headlights, taillights, turn signals—and make sure your tires have enough air… Don’t forget to peek under the hood for any leaks or loose parts!

How does not driving my car affect its safety features?

Not driving can lead to stiff bearings, bushings, and suspension problems… Making sure you drive regularly keeps these components working right and ensures vehicle safety.




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Faisal is the cofounder and automotive photographer at Unfinished Man. He provides insider perspectives on the latest rides through his acclaimed photography. Faisal also serves as the site's watch expert, staying on the pulse of emerging timepieces. His seasoned eye for men's lifestyle products makes him an authoritative voice.

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