How to Get Better at Valorant: 7 Pro Tricks to Dominate Now

Are you tired of getting outplayed in Valorant? You’re not alone. Millions of gamers struggle to climb the ranks in this popular tactical shooter. But here’s the good news: with the right tricks, you can level up your game fast.

This article will show you seven pro strategies to dominate your matches. Ready to become a Valorant ace? 321

Key Takeaways

Optimize your game settings for better FPS by lowering graphics quality and disabling fancy effects like Bloom and Distortion.

Practice standing still while shooting and counter-strafing to improve accuracy, which can boost your headshot rate by up to 30%.

Use the Practice Mode regularly to hone your skills, including aim training, agent ability practice, and bomb plant/defuse scenarios.

Watch and learn from top-ranked players’ streams and videos to pick up advanced strategies, callouts, and gameplay tactics.

Manage stress during matches through deep breathing, positive self-talk, and staying hydrated to maintain focus and perform your best.

Optimal Settings for Enhanced Valorant Performance

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Got your sights set on climbing the Valorant ranks? Let’s kick things off with a game-changer – tweaking your settings. A few smart adjustments can skyrocket your performance, giving you an edge in those nail-biting shootouts.

Plus, who knows? With improved play, you might even dip your toes into Valorant betting.

Optimize Game Settings for Increased FPS

Boost your Valorant performance by tweaking those game settings… it’s a game-changer! First up, lower the graphics. Set Material Quality, Texture Quality, and Detail Quality to Low.

Turn off fancy stuff like Bloom, Distortion, and Cast Shadows. These changes will increase your FPS, giving you smoother gameplay and quicker reactions. 2

YouTube player

But that’s not all! Disable Vsync and set Anti-Aliasing to 1x. For low-end PCs, use the lowest settings possible. Hit Ctrl + Shift + to access these options quickly. In Valorant, performance is more important than pretty visuals.

A higher frame rate means you’ll spot enemies faster and aim more precisely. So, adjust those settings and watch your skills improve! 1

Adjust Sensitivity for Better Aiming Precision

Now that you’ve optimized your game settings for better FPS, let’s tackle another crucial aspect of Valorant gameplay: sensitivity. Getting your mouse sensitivity just right can make or break your aim.

It’s like finding the perfect balance on a seesaw – too high, and you’ll overshoot; too low, and you’ll be sluggish. 4

Pro tip: Start with a lower DPI, around 400 or 800. This gives you more control over your crosshair. Then, fine-tune your in-game sensitivity until it feels… well, just right. You’ll know you’ve hit the sweet spot when you can track moving targets smoothly and nail those crisp headshots.

Don’t be afraid to experiment – what works for your buddy might not work for you. It’s all about building that muscle memory, so once you find your perfect settings, stick with ’em.

Your aim will thank you later. 3

Advanced Shooting Techniques in Valorant

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Wanna up your Valorant game? Let’s talk shooting techniques. These tricks will take your aim from meh to wow – and have you fragging like a pro in no time.

Stand Still to Shoot Accurately

Standing still is key to nailing those precise shots in Valorant. It’s not rocket science – movement messes with your aim. Pro players know this trick: plant your feet firmly before pulling the trigger.

Your crosshair becomes rock-steady, boosting accuracy dramatically. 3

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But don’t be a sitting duck! Mix it up with quick bursts of stillness. Shoot, move, stop, shoot again. This rhythm keeps you unpredictable while maintaining pinpoint accuracy. According to GG.BET on Twitter, mastering this technique can improve your headshot rate by up to 30%.

Practice makes perfect, so hit that training range and get those reps in! 5

In Valorant, stillness is deadliness. Master it, and watch your kill count soar. – Unknown Pro Player

Practice Counter-Strafing

Now that you’ve mastered standing still to shoot, let’s level up your movement game. Counter-strafing is your ticket to becoming a Valorant sharpshooter on the move. This technique is all about quick stops and precise shots6

Here’s the lowdown: tap the opposite direction key to halt your momentum instantly. It’s like hitting the brakes on your agent. This split-second pause lets you fire accurately, even when you were just sprinting.

Pro tip: it takes 8 frames to stop completely in Valorant. 6 Master this timing, and you’ll be popping heads like a pro. Want to practice? Try wall strafing, then graduate to bot challenges.

Once you’re comfortable, take it to Deathmatch mode. You’ll be dancing around enemies and landing perfect shots in no time.

Focus on Headshots Rather Than Spraying Bullets

Headshots are the name of the game in Valorant. They’re your ticket to quick eliminations and dominating gunfights. Spraying bullets might feel good, but it’s a surefire way to waste ammo and lose fights.

Instead, take your time and aim for the noggin. It’s all about precision, folks. Train your crosshair placement to always be at head level – this’ll give you a massive edge when an enemy pops out. 7

Practice makes perfect, so hit the range and drill those headshots. Set up bots and focus on tapping heads, not emptying clips. In real matches, stay cool under pressure. Don’t panic and spray wildly – breathe, aim, and click.

Use cover smartly to line up your shots. With time and effort, you’ll be popping heads like a pro and climbing those ranks faster than you can say “ace.” 3

Enhance Strategic Gameplay in Valorant

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Winning in Valorant isn’t just about having a good aim. It’s about outsmarting your opponents and working as a team. Let’s dive into some pro-level strategies that’ll give you the edge in your matches.

Communicate Effectively With Your Team

Talking to your team is a game-changer in Valorant. Clear, concise calls can make or break a round. Use the “M” key to view map locations and learn calloutsSpecific info about enemy positions gives your squad a huge edge.

YouTube player

“Two A long, one low HP” tells your team exactly where to look and who to target first. 8

Communication is the glue that holds a team together. – Anonymous pro player

Don’t just bark orders. Share your plans for the round. It builds trust and keeps everyone on the same page. If you’re going to push B, let your team know. They might have a killer ability to support your play.

Next up, let’s dive into understanding agent roles and their special abilities. 9

Understand Agent Roles and Special Abilities

Valorant’s diverse cast of Agents isn’t just for show. Each character falls into one of four roles: Duelists, Sentinels, Initiators, or Controllers. Knowing these roles inside out is crucial for teamwork and strategy.

Duelists are your front-line fighters, while Sentinels lock down areas. Initiators gather intel, and Controllers shape the battlefield. It’s not just about picking your favorite – it’s about filling the team’s needs. 10Mastering Agent abilities is where the real fun begins. Take Jett’s updraft, for instance. It’s not just for reaching high spots – use it mid-firefight to throw off enemy aim. Or Cypher’s camera…

sure, it spots enemies, but did you know you can use it to fake footstep sounds? These little tricks can turn the tide of a match. Trust me, I’ve won rounds by using Sova’s recon bolt in unexpected ways.

The more you experiment, the more deadly you’ll become. 11

Exploit Map Knowledge for Strategic Positioning

Map knowledge is your secret weapon in Valorant. It’s not just about knowing where stuff is – it’s about using that info to outsmart your enemies. I’ve spent countless hours exploring every nook and cranny of these maps, and let me tell you, it pays off big time.

First things first: learn those choke points. These are the tight spots where you’re likely to bump into enemies. Knowing them helps you decide where to set up shop or how to flank.

Next, get familiar with sight lines. These are the areas where you can see (and shoot) far. Mastering these lets you pick off enemies from safe spots. And don’t forget about using agent abilities strategically based on the map layout.

A well-placed smoke or wall can turn the tide of battle in your favor. Trust me, once you’ve got this down, you’ll be running circles around your opponents. 1213

Effective Practice Routines for Skill Improvement

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Wanna level up your Valorant game? Regular practice is key. Hit the range, drill those headshots, and watch your replays. There’s more to it – keep reading to unlock the pro secrets!

Regularly Utilize Practice Mode

Practice Mode is your secret weapon for Valorant domination. It’s the perfect playground to hone your skills and experiment without the pressure of competitive matches.

  • Start with the Shooting Range. Fill it with bots and enable their strafe setting to simulate real opponents. 14
  • Test different crosshair customizations. Find the one that feels most natural and improves your aim accuracy. 15
  • Explore each agent’s abilities. Understanding their unique powers is crucial for strategic gameplay.
  • Practice bunny hopping and other movement techniques. Mastering these can give you a serious edge in matches.
  • Fine-tune your sensitivity settings. Adjust until you find the sweet spot for precise aiming and quick reactions.
  • Work on your counter-strafing. This technique is key for accurate shooting while moving.
  • Use the bomb plant and defuse scenarios. They’ll help you get familiar with timing and positioning in high-pressure situations.
  • Focus on headshots. Aim for the head consistently to maximize damage and improve your kill efficiency.
  • Try different weapons and learn their recoil patterns. Knowing how each gun behaves is crucial for effective combat.

Train Aiming with Dedicated Tools

Sharpening your aim in Valorant isn’t just about playing matches. Specific tools can boost your progress and give you an advantage over opponents. Here’s how to improve your aim game:

  1. Use aim trainers: Apps like 3D Aim Trainer and are great for improving hand-eye coordination and reaction time. They’re like a gym for your gaming skills. 14
  2. Practice daily: Coach Andreasnvlr recommends 1-2 hours of aim training daily. It’s a big commitment, but the results are worth it. 14
  3. Monitor your progress: Aimlabs isn’t just for practice—it’s like a personal coach. It’ll track your accuracy and help you identify areas for improvement.
  4. Be consistent: Thirty minutes every day is better than occasional long sessions. It’s about developing that muscle memory, folks.
  5. Vary your training: Don’t stick to one type of practice. Flick shots, tracking, and spray control—master them all for a well-rounded skill set.
  6. Warm up in custom games: Before playing ranked, practice in the range. It’s like stretching before a workout—gets you ready to play.
  7. Prioritize headshots: Random spraying is for beginners. Train yourself to aim high and watch those one-taps add up.
  8. Fine-tune your settings: Adjust that sensitivity until it feels right. A lower sens often means more accuracy, but find what suits you best.
  9. Practice realistic scenarios: Some trainers allow you to recreate Valorant-specific situations. It’s very similar to the actual game without actually playing. 16
  10. Rest regularly: Your brain needs time to process what you’ve learned. Don’t overdo it—aim training is a long-term process, not a quick fix.

Analyze and Review Your Gameplay

Moving from aim training to gameplay analysis is a natural progression. Let’s dive into how reviewing your matches can skyrocket your Valorant skills.

  1. Record your games: Use software like OBS or Nvidia ShadowPlay to capture your gameplay.
  2. Watch with a critical eye: After each session, spend time reviewing your footage. Look for missed opportunities, poor positioning, or aim inconsistencies.
  3. Focus on deaths: Pay extra attention to moments when you’re eliminated. What led to your demise? Could you have played it differently?
  4. Track your stats: Keep a log of your K/D ratio, headshot percentage, and win rate. Spot trends and areas needing improvement.
  5. Compare with pros: Watch high-ranked streamers tackling similar situations. How do their approaches differ from yours? 17
  6. Seek feedback: Share your gameplay with friends or online communities. Fresh eyes often catch things you might miss.
  7. Analyze economy decisions: Did you buy smartly? Were there rounds where better economic choices could’ve swung the game?
  8. Study ability usage: Review how and when you used your agent’s skills. Were they effective? Could timing have been better? 18
  9. Check crosshair placement: Is your aim consistently at head level? Are you pre-aiming common enemy positions?
  10. Reflect on communication: Listen to your callouts. Were they clear, concise, and helpful to your team?
  11. Identify patterns: Do you consistently struggle on certain maps or against specific agents? Pinpoint these weaknesses.
  12. Set goals: Based on your analysis, create specific, achievable objectives for your next matches.

Insights from Professional Valorant Players

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Pro players aren’t just skilled – they’re strategic masterminds. Watching their streams or tournament matches can give you a goldmine of tips and tricks. You’ll pick up new angles, clever ability combos, and game-changing callouts that’ll take your gameplay to the next level.

Watch and Learn from Top-ranked Players

Top-ranked players are goldmines of Valorant wisdom. Watching their streams or YouTube videos can skyrocket your game sense17 You’ll pick up on their movement tricks, crosshair placement, and how they use abilities.

It’s like getting a free masterclass in Valorant strategy.

I’ve spent countless hours glued to pro streams, and let me tell you – it pays off. Their communication during matches is next-level stuff. You’ll learn callouts you never knew existed.

Plus, seeing how they handle different scenarios gives you a blueprint for your own matches. 19 Next up, let’s dive into some tactical maneuvers that’ll give you an edge in-game.

Analyze Professional Gameplay Tactics and Strategies

Building on the insights gained from watching top players, let’s dive deeper into their playbooks. Pro gamers aren’t just good shooters – they’re master tacticians. Their strategies often seem like magic, but they’re actually well-thought-out plans you can learn. 20

Take a close look at how pros use their abilities in sync with teammates. Notice their map rotations and how they adapt to enemy movements. Pay attention to their economy management between rounds.

It’s not just about aim – it’s about outsmarting opponents. By breaking down these high-level tactics, you’ll start seeing the game in a whole new light. Soon enough, you’ll be pulling off pro-level plays yourself. 18

Tactical Maneuvers in Valorant

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Tactical moves can make or break your Valorant game. Let’s dive into some sneaky tricks that’ll give you the upper hand – from jump-peeking to smart ability use.

Utilize Jump-Peeking for Gathering Intelligence

Jump-peeking is a game-changer in Valorant. It’s your secret weapon for snagging intel without getting your head blown off. Here’s the lowdown: approach enemy spots at a 45-degree angle, then leap near cover’s edge while pressing W.

After you’ve peeked, hit A and S to scurry back to safety. It’s like playing peek-a-boo… but with guns. 21

Want to level up your jump-peek game? Try the “running walk peek.” It’s stealthy and quick – perfect for catching enemies off guard. Or go for speed with the knife-out method: dash to the wall, jump forward, glance left, then retreat.

These tricks will have you gathering info like a pro, boosting your screen refresh rate of success in no time.

Manage Economy Effectively Between Rounds

Money talks in Valorant – especially between rounds. Smart spending is key to winning matches. Keep an eye on your team’s cash flow. Don’t spend it all on expensive guns if you can’t afford armor.

Focus on full shields and reliable weapons like the Spectre or Stinger. These pack a punch without costing too much. 22

Bonus rounds are your chance to shine. If your squad wins the first two, you’re in a good spot. Don’t get cocky though. Play it cool and save some credits. You’ll be glad later when you can afford that sweet Operator at a crucial moment.

A well-timed eco round can turn the tide of battle faster than you can say “headshot.” 23

Utilize Agent Abilities Strategically

Mastering agent abilities in Valorant is a game-changer. Each character’s unique skills can turn the tide of battle when used smartly. Take Sova’s recon bolt, for example. Firing it at the right angle can reveal enemy positions, giving your team a crucial edge.

Or consider Brimstone’s smoke screens – they’re perfect for blocking sight lines and setting up sneaky plays. 25

But here’s the real pro move: combine abilities with your teammates. A well-timed flash from Phoenix followed by Raze’s grenade can clear out a site in seconds. It’s all about synergy and timing.

And don’t forget – trading abilities keeps your defense strong. If an enemy uses their utility, counter it with yours. 24 This dance of skills separates the rookies from the aces.

So, next time you’re in a match, think beyond just shooting. Your abilities are your secret weapon – use ’em wisely!

Preparing Mentally and Physically for Valorant

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Ready to crush it in Valorant? Let’s talk mindset and fitness. A sharp mind and quick reflexes can make or break your game – no joke.

Warm Up Prior to Ranked Matches

Getting ready before ranked matches can really impact your Valorant game. Here are some good warm-up ideas to get you set for success.

  1. Aim Training (5-10 minutes):
    • Head to the Practice Range
    • Work on headshot accuracy with still bots
    • Try moving bots for practice with moving targets
    • Use different weapons to stay flexible
  2. Deathmatch (1-2 games):
    • Play a Deathmatch against real players 26
    • Focus on where you aim and how you move
    • Don’t stress about your K/D – it’s about getting comfortable
  3. Reflex Drills (3-5 minutes):
    • Try custom maps or other aim trainers
    • Practice quick shots and following moving targets
    • Slowly make it faster and harder
  4. Agent Ability Warm-up (5 minutes):
    • Pick your main agent in the Practice Range
    • Practice combining abilities and where to use them
    • Try out new ideas or plans
  5. Mental Prep (2-3 minutes):
    • Take some deep breaths to focus 20
    • Think about making great plays and clutch moments
    • Get in a good mood for your upcoming games
  6. Quick Unrated Game (If you want):
    • If you have time, play one unrated match
    • Work on talking with your team and playing together
    • Use it as a final practice before ranked
  7. Hydrate and Stretch:
    • Drink some water to stay sharp
    • Do some easy stretches to avoid getting tired
    • Make sure you’re comfy for long play sessions

Your warm-up might be different, but doing it regularly is important. Now, let’s talk about how to improve your strategy in Valorant.

Manage Stress and Maintain Focus in Matches

Staying cool under pressure is crucial in Valorant esports. Here are some pro tips to manage stress and keep your focus sharp during intense matches:

  1. Deep breathing: Take slow, deep breaths between rounds. This simple technique can lower your heart rate and calm your nerves. 27
  2. Positive self-talk: Replace negative thoughts with encouraging ones. Tell yourself, “I’ve got this” or “Stay focused, stay strong.”
  3. Visualize success: Picture yourself making perfect shots and winning rounds. This mental practice can boost confidence and performance.
  4. Stay hydrated: Keep water nearby and sip regularly. Dehydration can impair focus and reaction times. 17
  5. Use music strategically: Listen to calming tunes before matches to relax, or pump-up songs to energize yourself.
  6. Establish a pre-game routine: Develop a consistent warm-up routine. It’ll help you get in the zone and feel prepared.
  7. Focus on the present: Don’t dwell on past mistakes or worry about future rounds. Stay in the moment and play one round at a time.
  8. Communicate effectively: Clear, concise callouts can reduce stress for you and your team. Avoid unnecessary chatter.
  9. Take micro-breaks: Use the brief moments between rounds to stretch, shake out tension, or reset your mindset.
  10. Practice mindfulness: Stay aware of your surroundings and in-game elements. This can prevent you from getting caught off guard and reduce stress.

People Also Ask

Why is FPS important in Valorant?

FPS, or frames per second, is crucial in Valorant. It affects how smooth your game runs. Higher FPS means quicker reactions and better aim. Pro players often tweak their settings for optimal FPS. It’s like having a sharper knife in a knife fight.

How can I boost my FPS in Valorant?

Boosting FPS is a game-changer. Lower your graphics settings. Close background programs. Update your graphics drivers. Consider upgrading your hardware if needed. Every extra frame counts in the heat of battle.

Does FPS affect my gameplay in Valorant?

You bet it does! Higher FPS gives you an edge. It reduces input lag. Makes movements more fluid. Improves your ability to spot enemies. It’s like having eagle eyes in a world of moles.

What FPS should I aim for in Valorant?

Aim for at least 60 FPS for smooth gameplay. But more is better. Pro players often shoot for 144+ FPS. It’s all about finding the sweet spot between performance and your hardware limits. Remember, in Valorant, every millisecond matters.


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    Chad is the co-founder of Unfinished Man, a leading men's lifestyle site. He provides straightforward advice on fashion, tech, and relationships based on his own experiences and product tests. Chad's relaxed flair makes him the site's accessible expert for savvy young professionals seeking trustworthy recommendations on living well.

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