If you’re looking for a healthy and convenient way to have your lunch on the go, look no further than the Itaki lunch box. This amazing product is perfect for busy people who want to cook their meals without having to sacrifice time or taste. With bento box style compartments, the Itaki lunch box lets you create delicious and healthy meals that will keep you satisfied all day long.
I’ve been using one for years now, and all though it hasn’t replaced my love of cooking, it has definitely made packing my lunch a lot easier. If you’re interested in learning more about this awesome lunch box, read on for my full review.
And as a bit of a spoiler, my brother bought one the next day after trying mine.
What is the Itaki lunch box?
The Itaki lunch box is a convenient and healthy way to have your lunch on the go. It features bento-style compartments that allow you to cook multiple dishes at once, making it the perfect option for people who want to make their meals. It’s also portable, so you can use it anywhere there’s a power outlet.

They’ve become so popular with a few friends of mine, that they’ve started bringing them right to the office to cook their meals. No longer do they have to rely on unhealthy and expensive takeout or suffer through a tasteless sandwich from the vending machine.
How does it work?
The Itaki lunch box is pretty simple to use. First, you’ll need to choose your favorite recipes and prep them accordingly. You can cook rice, noodles, vegetables, meat, fish, and even desserts in the Itaki lunch box. Once your food is prepared, you’ll need to add water to the inner pot. The amount of water you’ll need to add depends on the recipes you’re using. For example, if you’re cooking rice, you’ll need to add more water than if you’re cooking noodles.
After the water is added, you’ll need to place the lid on the Itaki lunch box and plug it into a power outlet. Once it’s plugged in, the lunch box will begin to heat up and cook your food. The cook time will vary depending on the recipes you’re using, but typically ranges from 10-20 minutes.
How well does the Itaki Pro function as a portable cooking device?
The Itaki lunch box is a convenient and healthy way to have your lunch on the go. It features bento-style compartments that allow you to cook multiple dishes at once, making it the perfect option for people who want to make their meals. It’s also portable, so you can use it anywhere there’s a power outlet.
Itaki Pro is a great portable cooking device because it has an automatic shut-off timer that switches the device off after 20 minutes. This prevents overcooking or burning of food, which is great for people like me that don’t have the time to constantly keep an eye on things while cooking.
What are the pros (pun intended) and cons of using the Itaki Pro for on-the-go meals?
There are a few pros and cons to using the Itaki lunch box. First, let’s start with the pros. The Itaki lunch box is a healthy and convenient way to have your lunch on the go. It features bento-style compartments that allow you to cook multiple dishes at once, making it the perfect option for people who want to make their meals. It’s also portable, so you can use it anywhere there’s a power outlet.
Another pro is that the Itaki lunch box has an automatic shut-off timer that switches the device off after 20 minutes. This prevents overcooking or burning of food, which is great for people like me that don’t have the time to constantly keep an eye on things while cooking.
Now, onto the cons. The Itaki lunch box is a bit pricey, with some models costing over $100. Additionally, the cook times can vary depending on the recipes you’re using, so you’ll need to plan accordingly. Finally, the Itaki lunch box is only meant for cooking, so you’ll need to have access to a fridge or freezer if you want to store leftovers.
Overall, the Itaki lunch box is a great portable cooking device that has its pros and cons. If you’re looking for a healthy and convenient way to have your lunch on the go, the Itaki lunch box is the healthiest option to cook hot meals, especially if you’re short on time and surrounded by fast-food restaurants. However, if you’re on a budget, other portable cooking devices may be better suited for your needs.
Should I buy one?
If you’re looking for a convenient, healthy, and affordable way to have your lunch on the go, then yes, you should buy an Itaki lunch box. It’s the perfect solution for people who want to make their own meals. They also come in a few different colors and models, so you can choose the one that best fits your needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Since I wrote this review a few years ago, I’ve gotten a lot of questions about the Itaki lunch box. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions, along with my answers.
Is the Itaki lunch box safe to use?
Yes, the Itaki lunch box is perfectly safe to use. It’s even been approved by the FDA. The lunch box uses a unique cooking process that doesn’t require any oil or butter, so you can rest assured that your food will be healthy and delicious.
What are a few good starter recipes to use in the Itaki Lunch Box?
Some good starter recipes to use in the Itaki lunch box are vegetable stir-fry, chicken and rice, and tuna salad. All of these recipes are healthy and easy to make.
This electric lunchbox does a surprisingly good job making a chicken breast taste flavorful and juicy. Then add a cup of rice and some soya sauce and you’re good to go. And if you need more help, this Pinterest page has a bunch of pretty good Itaki recipes to inspire you.
Have any good Itaki cooker recipes of your own? Please share them in the comments below!
What is the difference between Itaki classic and Itaki pro?
The Itaki lunch box is available in two models: the Itaki classic and the Itaki pro. The Itaki classic is smaller and has a traditional bento-style compartment design, while the Itaki pro is larger and has a more contemporary design that allows you to cook multiple dishes at once. Both models are made of high-quality materials and are easy to clean.
When I buy one, what’s the first thing that I should do before I use it?
The first thing you should do before using your Itaki lunch box is to read the instruction manual. This will help you understand how to use the device and how to care for it. Additionally, it’s a good idea to test the device out with some simple recipes before using it for more complex meals.
How often should I clean my Itaki lunch box?
You should clean your Itaki lunch box after every use. This will help to prevent the build-up of food residues and bacteria. To clean the lunch box, simply wipe it down with a damp cloth and then dry it with a paper towel.
How do you use the Itaki lunch box?
The Itaki lunch box is easy to use. Just plug it in, place your ingredients inside, and press the start button. It will automatically start cooking your food and will be ready in less than 20 minutes. Perfect for the amateur cook.
Just make sure to follow the instructions and put enough water in there when you’re cooking certain things, like rice.
What’s the bottom bowl made out of?
The bottom bowl of the Itaki lunch box is made out of ceramic. This material is safe to use with food and is easy to clean.
What’s the top bowl made out of?
The top bowl of the Itaki lunch box is made out of stainless steel.
Does it work with EU plugs?
No, the Itaki lunch box only works with US plugs. So you could try with some kind of adapter, but I have no idea if that will work properly.
Which electric lunch box is the best?
The Itaki lunch box is the best electric lunch box available. It’s easy to use, portable and has bento-style compartments that allow you to cook multiple dishes at once. It’s also made of high-quality materials and is easy to clean.
I wouldn’t personally waste my time with regular rice cookers anymore when you can get something that cooks rice and so much more.
Can you use this Itaki lunch box for more than just cooking rice?
Yes, the Itaki lunch box can be used for more than just cooking rice. It’s perfect for cooking all types of meals, from leftovers to fresh ingredients. It’s also a great way to cook your food on the go.
How much water do I need to cook white rice?
You’ll need to use 1 cup of water for every 1 cup of white rice.
Does it come with a measuring cup?
No, the Itaki lunch box does not come with a measuring cup.
Is there a warranty?
Yes, the Itaki lunch box comes with a one-year warranty.
Do I need to use any special tools or accessories?
No, the Itaki lunch box doesn’t require any special tools or accessories. All you need is a power outlet and your favorite ingredients.
What are the dimensions of the Itaki lunch box?
The Itaki lunch box is 9.5 inches long, 7.5 inches wide, and 4.5 inches tall.
Is it any good for road trips?
Yes, the Itaki lunch box is perfect for road trips. It’s small and compact, so it won’t take up much space in your car. Plus, it has a detachable cord that makes it easy to pack up and take with you.
Is it better than a microwave?
It depends on what you’re looking for. If you’re just trying to heat food, then no it’s not. While the Itaki lunch box is convenient, it cannot compare to the speed and convenience of a microwave. If you just want a hot lunch, it’s better to stick with a tried and true microwave.
looking at the comments there’s nothing about power consumption would it be economical to use instead of home cooking appliances?
You could, but they don’t really serve the same purpose. A stove will be a lot more versatile.