As resident unfinished femme, I don’t really get to wear ties. Frankly, that’s a damn shame. There was a brief period at the end of highschool where I rocked them with low cut shirts, but then Avril Lavigne came along and all of the sudden her complete un-coolness sunk the tie into a fog of work wear, weddings, funerals and douchey accessories. It’s time for men to stop looking at ties as the yokes of conformist society and start working them; most girls will bashfully admit there is something dashing about a man in a sharp tie… and we love to be able to tug on it playfully. In the interest of bringing sexy back to men’s neckwear, check out Canadian company Knot Theory.
I know a lot of guys who can’t pull off a double windsor to save their lives- no longer, as Knot Theory takes the tying out of tie wearing. They’ve created an awesome system that allows you to instantly interchange your knots- which makes for amazing color combos, embroidered styles and complete versatility with ease. Part of looking finished is knowing how to create a perfect knot and get the right length… but this system means you don’t have to know anything and you’ll still look polished. There’s a lot to be said about how absolutely awesome these ties are; traditionally, tying makes it pretty much completely impossible to center the knot in a way that would let a designer put something on it. Now, you can proclaim your majesty with crowns and your virility with stallions. Knots are completely affordable at $25-30, which is what you’d pay for a bargain no-name tie anyhow.
The ties themselves are bold statements in black and white; rather than try to describe the Duel Series, I’m just going to link you to some images because there’s no way to adequately convey how stylish these pieces are. Bonus points for Knot Theory’s use of attractive women…obviously it’s much easier to see a tie when there’s no pesky shirts to distract you. The craftsmanship on these is unmatched- every one is handmade by Canadian tailors, and they’re pretty attractively priced at $99 and up for the tie and a matching interchangeable knot.

Learn more about the innovations behind Knot Theory’s stellar line up here.
While these are stylish but probably only trendy, I believe there’s a great deal more allure and useful sensual skill in knowing how to tie a good knot. But just to put a simple picture in mind… it’s the morning after (or just after). He gets out of bed, and dresses casually, carelessly. You drape the strap – erm, tie around his neck and then…
a) awkwardly fiddle with the button?
b) seductively tie him in / watch him slip the thick end through the hole and squeeze it tight.
Just a gentleman’s opinion.
Definitely a good point, but maybe we ladies have a knack for making these things sexy regardless
Hot enough to race home … alone? Hahaha… Just kidding, I hear you though. I think we can agree to the point that a man wearing a tie well in any given situation would justify whatever kind of knot/fastener he used.
I have these ties (2 ties and 3 additional knots), and putting the tie on actually doesn’t require fiddling with the knot. Just loosen the loop, drape it around your neck, and tighten. The illustrated steps are for when you want to change the knot and that takes just a few seconds.
And yes it does get a lot of compliments. *Hands-on* compliments from the ladies sometimes haha.