Maybe you have a man cave. Maybe you’re one of the lads. Maybe Chuck Norris would recoil at the levels of testosterone in your blood. It doesn’t matter because you can’t be a self-respecting man without playing sports. Sport is the quintessential manly activity because it involves brawn and brains. From soccer to ice hockey, the Hall of Fame of manly greats spans a variety of games. But, even The Great One, Wayne Gretzky would find some of the following hard to stomach. Brace yourself because these are the manliest sports on the planet today.
Ever fancied running non-stop for eighty minutes while randomly placing your head in between another man’s private parts? Nope, most people aren’t stupid enough to take the bait and prefer to play golf. Still, there are a few individuals out there that make it their life’s dream. Now, grabbing a man’s crown jewels while your head is perilously close to their rectum seems like the antithesis of manly. But, don’t be fooled. In a full game, participants can suffer broken limbs, bone-crunching tackles, and an array of kicking and punching. Oh, and if that isn’t enough, they shake hands at the end as if they haven’t just been to war. How gentlemanly.

Hold on a minute, read the explanation before you judge! Yes, fishing isn’t the most physically challenging sport in the world. And, no, you’re not going to suffer broken bones and cauliflower ears. What you will experience is nature at its finest and a surreal amount of peace and quiet. Men that get a fishing guide also experience a fair bit of spine-tingling action. Plus, there’s plenty of beer drinking and eating during the lulls. So, there is alcohol, food, and me time – what sport could be manlier?

There is no doubt that men love to watch other men pummel each other into submission. It is an innate trait in every single man on the planet. So, it’s no surprise that the sports which adhere to the character trait get a lot of man points. Whether you prefer boxing or MMA, you can’t deny they both takes balls. Getting into a ring or the Octagon to punch and kick an opponent into submission is courageous. And, at the end of it, these maniacs go back into the gym and train for their next fight. MMA is rawer, and boxing more subtle, but they both pack a punch.
Cheese Rolling

Men love cheese – everyone knows that to be true! They also love unbridled adrenaline. Well, cheese rolling incorporates the two for ultimate results. On Cooper’s Hill in Gloucester, England, people line up for one purpose. The purpose is to throw themselves down said hill in the hopes of glory. The winner is the one that catches the roll, but the cheese can reach speeds of 30mp/h. Needless to say, serious injuries and horror stories abound. But, in the end, one person stands victorious above the rest. It’s like a modern-day battle in the Coliseum but with rolls of cheese instead of swords.
Any participants in the above with X and Y chromosomes will never have their man card confiscated.