The “Magic” of Landline Phones

Being one of those “Millenial” Children, I’ve grown up with a certain level of technology. I had a computer at a young age, as well as a Nintendo and a couple of electronics kits my grandfather bought for me. One thing I do remember was the rotary telephone. Ancient and out of place, it was like staring back in time. Schools were segregated, people walked up hills both ways, and everyone hated calling anyone with a “0” in their number. Well imagine my chagrin when, in the Year of Our Lord 2012, I discovered people still used landlines.

Landline phones are useful when…

Now of course I can understand the usefulness of having a landline in the home. Perhaps you have children or your parents living with you. Immediate access to emergency support is always a bonus in those situations. Perhaps you live in some mountainous community, and cell services is less reliable than the town drunk. Perhaps you are a hipster. I don’t know, but that doesn’t mean you need to live in the dark ages.

Today home phones come in a variety of models, sporting such amazing features such as: Screens that can be touched. Screens with colors. Phones with no Cords. And the ever popular Radiation Free models! (Wait…. phones made radiation before?)

Slowing down, going off the grid… kind of…

Possible insinuation of radiation poisoning aside, perhaps you just work at the speed of a landline. There’s nothing wrong with being unreachable at times, especially of this interconnected age. Maybe slowing down and having a chat is what some of us need to do. In fact, I highly recommend it. In this busy day and age we live in, it’s often a struggle to keep up with our closest friends, let alone our family and distant relatives. So when Sunday rolls around, consider picking up your non-cancer phone (they can be had for cheap at websites like this) and giving your Nana a call. She’ll appreciate it, and I promise that years from now you’ll realize it was worth it. People don’t last forever, especially when they’re old.

[Photo by Billy Brown]




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Scott brings philosophical insights and witty wordplay to his writing for Unfinished Man. With wide-ranging interests from bikes to beers, he explores the novelty in everyday life. Scott aims to both inform and entertain readers with his perspectives on culture, technology, and the pursuit of living well.

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