It’s short, it’s sweat, and it’s full of SMG goodness. Continuing their trend of excellent game trailers and video clips, Rockstar Games released their latest “The Weapons of Max Payne 3“ footage. This clip shows off the wide range of close quarters SMGs you’ll find in the game, and shows us a few incredibly graphic examples of their fire-power in action. When Max isn’t using the SMGs to shoot people, he’s using them as blunt weapons.
The video wastes no time diving into the action, and we quickly see Max begin dispensing enemies with his dual Micro 9mm SMGs. If you’ve played any of the previous Max Payne games, perhaps you’ll recognize that particular weapon. In terms of flat out stopping power, there were few weapons I found more satisfying than the Micro 9mm.
The Weapons of Max Payne 3 – SMGs

All of the weapons in the trailer are based on real firearms, and I’m guessing that Rockstar opted to use made-up names for simple licensing reasons. The Micro 9mm, Saf .40, MPK, M972, and M10 were all pretty recognizable, if not by name, at least by sight. Many games have featured similar weapons, though I’m guessing not to the same effect as we’ll see with Max Payne 3. The combination of report sounds and the fantastic music that we keep hearing in all the trailers gets me excited in a way that some might say is disturbing.
The Max Payne 3 release date is May 2012 for PC, Xbox360, and PS3. If you’re the type of person that enjoys spending excessive amounts of money on pre-order bonuses, you can head over to Rockstar’s official pre-order page to get some very swanky extras. Their pre-order package comes with a Max Payne figurine, a bullet keychain, a bunch of artsy stuff you’ll probably never look at, and the MP3 soundtrack.