If you’re like me and drink out of a water bottle exclusively, then I’m betting you know what I mean when I say that water bottles are pretty damn annoying.
So while you never need to worry about getting drunk at work and knocking your glass of water onto your keyboard, completely ruining it – something that I’ve obviously never done – you do have to lug this bulky, clunky object around. If you travel a lot, this is doubly annoying.

Thankfully I’m not the only person obsessed with doing things properly.
MODL Outdoors have come up with a brand new water bottle design which I’m very excited about, and that’s saying something because I just admitted to being excited about a water bottle on the Internet.
Hey, my mom says I’m cool.
Why is the MODL Bottle so great?
The biggest selling point for me is that it’s collapsible, but also capable of holding a liter of water. This means not having to constantly walk away from my standing desk to fill my water bottle. It also means I can use this for flights, by collapsing the bottle and filling it up after security.
If you ask me, those are pretty great features.
Oh, and MODL also offers some really great “MODS” for the bottle too. There are different heads, allowing you to take a quick shower…

… and quick caps to drink faster on the go. You can even get a MOD that filters the water, which is handy when you’re hiking or even when you’re at home and tired of drinking the disgusting tap water unfiltered.
Where do I get a MODL bottle?
The quickest way to get one is by backing them on Kickstarter. You can pick up a single bottle for the early bird price of $34 USD, or the MODL Complete (with all 4 MODs) for $89, but you had better move quickly. These guys hit their minimum target within 5 hours, so I don’t expect the early bird units to last very long.
No, this is the http://www.BestBottleEver.com
What do you like about it?