Smelly shoes are not cool and quite embarrassing, especially if you are visiting someone’s home and have to take off your shoes. Besides stinking up the shoe rack area, your socks will also stink and you’ll be inviting that smell into the living room with you. One pair of shoes I used to own created such disgusting odors that I even wrote an article on ways to eliminate odor from shoes. The methods I mentioned work but you’d have to repeat the procedures quite often.
This is where the Moo Shoe Wash comes into play as it is the world’s first detergent that deep-cleans as well as sanitizing 99% of all the bacteria that thrives in leather shoes. Nick Pericle and Chris Armstrong, founds of Moo Shoe Wash, got the idea after attending parties where shoes would pile up at the front door and create odors which would knock out guests before they could even say hello.

We already know that bacteria thrives inside of shoes which not only causes shoes to stink but the feet as well. How many of us actually wash our shoes? I’m guessing not very many of us do that. Did you know that our feet can sweat up to half a pint of sweat in a day? That’s 236ml of stinky sweat (a can of soda is 355ml).
Unlike odor eliminator sprays, the Moo Shoe Wash also cleans the exterior of the shoe removing all dust, dirt, and grime you’ve collected over the weeks and months. The Moo Shoe Wash will allow you to submerge your leather shoes in water which results in a deep-cleaning of the outside and inside of the shoe destroying bacteria and odors at the source. And my favorite part, it has coconut extract. I love coconuts!
The smells found in your shoes are a result of chemicals such as methanethiol, isovaleric acid, or propanoic acid. I don’t know what those are but apparently they are responsible for causing that rotting, fermenting, and garlic-like stink inside your shoes. Most chemicals available on the market only mask the smell, not eliminate. To get to the root of the problem, the chemicals needs to get in between the seams and deep into the leather.
Moo Shoe Wash takes care of these chemicals by utilizing a combination of ingredients, a major one being coconut extract, to wash away the bacteria. Ingredients like dimethyl silicione and polyoxyethylene alkyl ether act as emulsifiers of the process providing protection and conditioners to insure the leather stays protected. The ingredients mix with water to form a leather-safe environment for washing leather shoes.
Moo Shoe Wash will have a crowd funding campaign on Kickstarter at the end of November and their goal is to reach $20,000. You can visit Moo Shoe Wash website for updates and news regarding the sale of this wash.