Have you ever been in a developing nation and opened up a fresh bottle of filtered water and chugged that shit down? And as you were drinking it, you noticed that it kind of tasted funny compared to the other batches you’ve had so far on your trip? Maybe you haven’t but I have experienced just that and found myself shooting liquid from ass about 90 minutes after the initial drink of that so-called “bottled water”. Out of the dozens of bottles I had that trip, it only took one shitty experience (pun intended) to make me paranoid about any other “filtered water” that I would purchase on my trip.
It’s experiences like this that leave me wanting to purchase something like the NDuR Advanced Portable Filtration Bottle. Had I used my own personal filtration bottle, I would never have to deal with a day and a half of “liquidating”. With the NduR Advanced Portable Filtration Water Bottle, you can safely drink pretty much any water (except salt water).
I would mainly use it to drink from tap water but if need be, there are no issues filling this water bottle from the stream while you go hiking or even that rusty looking water fountain in the slums of wherever the heck you are. Although I wouldn’t recommend trying to filter a sitting puddle with all kinds of insects hovering over it although it may be okay. Apparently NduR’s Portable Filtration Devices are the most laboratory and field-tested of their kind in the world using such protocols as EPA and tested according to NSF/ANSI Standards 42 and 53 by Broward Testing Laboratory (I have no idea what that means).
The NduR Advanced Portable Filtration Bottle uses advanced technology of Seychelle and does an amazing job at eliminating up to 99.9% of micro-organisms, up to 99.9999% of viruses and bacteria, and up to 99.99% of all heavy metals and chemicals. This bottle is perfect for camping, hiking, and those who travel to remote locations that don’t have access to clean drinking water. The water bottle is capable of filtering and holding 28oz of water at a time.
Depending on the quality of the water you’re drinking, the NduR Advanced Portable Filtration Bottle can filter up to 100 gallon or more. Worst-case scenario, you are getting a minimum of 800 16oz bottles of filtered water before having to change filters. How much would 800 bottles of bottled water cost you from a grocery store? Don’t bother doing the math because the NduR Advanced Portable Bottle can be picked up for only $33.99 on Amazon and will save you plenty of money.
Looks good and worth a buy.