As we transition from children, to teenagers, to adults, we change. At least, most of us do. We shed many of our childish ways, and grow as people, both intellectually and emotionally. Many of us seek new experiences in our teenage and early adult years, like exciting sports, and adventures in far off countries. The world is our oyster, and nothing is going to stop us from being interesting, exciting people for the rest of our lives. Right until that stops happening.
If I’ve noticed one thing over the last year, it’s that many people reach a point in their lives where they just stop doing things. They go to work, they buy groceries, they walk the dog… but that spark, that quest to live a full and interesting life just sort of… *poof*, vanishes.
Why is that, where did it go?

Protect your AllSpark, or Don’t…
For many it seems to be right around the time that they decide to get married. For others, it’s a little further down the line when they decide to have children. Then there are some of us that just never had the spark to begin with, or had it extinguished the moment we set forth on a career, snuffed out by 80 hour work weeks and the yearly 1 week “holiday” where we find ourselves constantly checking email, worrying that something might be going wrong back at the office.
Whatever your reason, I guarantee it isn’t a good one. I promise you that one day, when you’re old and withered, you’re going to think back on all the years you wasted and wish it weren’t so. All the years you spent chasing money, only to buy a bunch of crap you don’t need at the expense of less tangible, but far more fulfilling adventures or experiences. You’re going to wish that your life didn’t end at marriage, or when you decided to have kids and completely insulate yourself from the outside world, giving up your dreams, ambitions, and sense of adventure.
It all sounds so simple when I put it like that, right? So black and white… so straightforward. But that’s not being realistic! We’ve got responsibilities, and other people to think of… bills, expenses… our careers to think of for Christ’s sake!!

You’re right, life is full of challenges and roadblocks. I guess you may as well just give up now. After all, 40 or 50 years of sitting around watching TV isn’t that long, and there will always be someone else to do all the cool stuff you wish you were doing.
(Photo by Al Ibrahim, Alan Clark, Niels Heidenreich, and Lady May Panintuam)
Man alive, such moroseness! Defy ageism by drinking beer, laughing at the absurdity of life, moving to Europe and being guaranteed at least 25 days holiday a year, avoid your miserable peers and goof about. Works for me! 😉