PrettyGirlsUglyFaces – Our New Favorite Hobby

Everyone loves hilariously bad photos- admit it! Inside, we’re all horrible people who live for the beneficent Intarweb gods bestowing upon us fail compilations, hideously unflattering portraits, awkward animals and uncomfortable family situations. The only thing we look for more is pretty ladies in various states of undress. In the interest of streamlining the most important facets of online experience, Redditors have a wonderful little place they call PrettyGirlsUglyFaces. The girls may not be naked, but I can truthfully say it’s now officially one of my favorite places on the internet.

PrettyGirlsUglyFaces: Confusing Your Pants One Double Chin at a Time

prettygirlsuglyfaces cute girl making hideous faceI love pulling a horribly disgusting face in people’s photos because I am a jerk and it pleases me to ruin things, but this takes the cake. There’s something wonderfully hilarious about how we spend all our time desperately trying to take the most attractive, cute, or sexy photo we can of ourselves to impress others, only to throw it all out the window by making the most heinous face possible 5 seconds later. When it comes down to our attention whore instincts in these days of Instagram, it’s good to see that there are plenty of cuties out there who can balance the blown out contrast, craploads of makeup, head tilt and MySpace camera angle with a sense of humor.

prettygirlsuglyfaces cute girl making hideous face prettygirlsuglyfaces cute girl making hideous face prettygirlsuglyfaces cute girl making hideous face prettygirlsuglyfaces cute girl making hideous face prettygirlsuglyfaces cute girl making hideous face prettygirlsuglyfaces cute girl making hideous face prettygirlsuglyfaces cute girl making hideous face prettygirlsuglyfaces cute girl making hideous face prettygirlsuglyfaces cute girl making hideous face Prettygirlsuglyfacesprettygirlsuglyfaces cute girl making hideous faceWhile almost all the posters are women, there are a few men who’ve thrown their hats in the ring too, which goes to prove that we’ve all got a desperate need to please and attract others.

prettygirlsuglyfaces cute girl making hideous faceprettygirlsuglyfaces cute girl making hideous face prettygirlsuglyfaces cute girl making hideous face

And because I am no exception, I’m throwing myself in here too, just so you don’t think I can dish it but not take it. Think you can outshine me or any of these ladies and gents? Try it out and send us your pic; it’s surprisingly fun. Once I finished laughing so hard I thought I’d pop a blood vessel, I spent a good 20 minutes trying to make myself even uglier than base level- AND IT WAS AWESOME. If you’re too chicken to put your bad side out there, or you just want to check out more adorable girls with a sense of humor, you can browse the subreddit here. 

prettygirlsuglyfaces cute girl making hideous faceprettygirlsuglyfaces cute girl making hideous face




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Author, Designer, and "that girl your mother warned you about." Looking good seems to be my job, whether it's working with the site design, or a number of other more interesting capacities. I have a ridiculous sense of humour and a brutal sense of honesty- you'll see a lot of that coming through in my writing, so don't say I didn't warn you if I somehow manage to offend you AND hurt your feelings at the same time. On the plus side, it makes my dating and advice columns a lot more pertinent to an unfinished man in the real world.

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