The science of people is fascinating, and studying psychology really allows you to delve deep in understanding the human mind- and why we act and think the way we do. It’s no wonder it’s such a popular subject to study at university, with just about every educational institution offering the course. If you’re a recent psychology grad, you might be wondering what to do next, what kinds of options are available to you and what you would most enjoy. Here are just a few ideas to consider.
Look For Psychology Based Job Roles
The obvious route that many psychology graduates will want to go down is a job role that somehow relates to their degree. It could be in a hospital, a prison, an army base or within a private practice, the field is pretty broad meaning there are many different job roles out there with a link to the subject. It could either be strongly linked to what you studied, or still relevant but less linked such as social care or marketing.
Work an Unrelated Graduate Job
Working a psychology job is fantastic- if you’re able to snag one. While the field is broad and varied, the competition for psychology roles is always fierce. You usually need a high mark on your degree and a fair dose of luck to land a job- unless you can support yourself for a while after university to give yourself more time to look. However, the great thing about having a degree is many employers will accept candidates with a degree in any subject. If you don’t mind working an unrelated job or perhaps just fancy a career change, this could be one option.
Grad Schemes and Training
There are many schemes and training opportunities out there for graduates. If you’re struggling getting directly into a job, going through something like this first could be something to consider. They can last anywhere from three months to three years, and usually, combine training with working. They can help get you into a full-time position afterward.
Study For a Masters
By the time you achieve your degree, you will have already been in education for many years. But if you don’t feel you’re done learning yet, how about going on to study for a masters? This gives you a chance to specialize your learning into the area you’re really passionate about, and pursue your interests at a higher academic level.

If you did something like a clinical mental health counseling masters online you could study from the comfort of your own home while still working towards your goals. Of course, further education will always helps to improve your job prospects for the future.
Study Abroad
If you want to continue studying while transforming your life and stepping out of your comfort zone all at one- why not study a masters, PHD or other course abroad? Perhaps attending university feels stale and you’re not keen on the idea of studying at home. Going abroad instead gives you brand new experiences and is something fresh and exciting while allowing you to keep working towards your goals.