The video you’re about to watch is a developer diary for the upcoming ID Software game, RAGE. This segment focuses on the story surrounding the wasteland – the massive barren, uh… wasteland, that we’ve seen in so many of the videos that ID keeps pumping out. The video is absolutely full of new information, and after watching it, I have a much better understanding of the world that ID is creating. So far, I’m damn impressed.
Enter The Wasteland
Developer diaries and interviews with art directors and story writers and every manner of game developer are now commonplace, and I think that’s great. I think that being able to put a face to the people who create the games we play goes a long way towards encouraging me to buy, or not buy, their games. Cevat Yerli certainly fits into the latter category for me, but that’s a story for another post.
RAGE arrives October 4th for PC, Xbox360, and PS3.