A computer virus can destroy the normal functioning and operation of your entire system. It can also destroy important data that is on your computer. That is why it is so important to remember why you need a good anti-virus program running on your computer at all times. The most popular way that a computer virus spreads is through the opening of attachments from unknown sources.
Computer Security Tips
There are many little security tips that you can follow to ensure you protect your computer. You can find anti-virus software at an online computer store or at your local electronics department. Never open emails from unknown sources especially the ones with attachments. Delete your junk mail on a regular basis. Keep your anti-virus software updated according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. Backup your computer files as a daily maintenance task. Report any suspected viruses to your software company.

Make sure you have a firewall to alert you of suspicious activity that can harm the programs on your computer. Enable browser privacy settings and use pop-up blockers. If you have multiple computer users, then enable account control with different sign on procedures. Purchase the best anti-virus program that you can afford. Anti-virus scans should be programmed as routine maintenance tasks. Your computer will not do this unless you enable this feature.
Avoid clicking on ads that have a pop-up feature. Clicking on these ads may allow spyware to download to your computer. This will put your files and personal information at risk. A strong password should always be used for the highest level of computer security. A strong password is a combination of letters, numbers and special characters. Never use the name of your family member, pet or other password that is easy to guess.
A firewall is used in combination with anti-virus software because they both have separate functions. Using an anti-virus app from a company like scanguard.com can help protect and tune-up your computer. The firewall prevents hackers from reaching your computer and is the first line of defense. The firewall determines what information can go through to your computer. A two-way firewall will prevent spyware from leaving your computer and keep malware away from your system.
Be sure to update your operating system on a regular basis. There are updates that correct flaws or security holes in the operating system. Enable automatic updates to ensure you have the latest patches and operating system changes. Potential threats are avoided when combining anti-virus software and two-way firewalls.
Signs of Virus Attacks
If you suspect your computer is the victim of a virus, there are a few signs to warn you. Your computer will start running slower than usual if you have a virus. They can overload your system and lengthen program startup sessions. Another sign of a virus is the fact that your computer keeps crashing several times a day. You may also notice files that are missing or will not open. The first step is to ensure your anti-virus software is functioning correctly. Perform an anti-virus scan if you notice any of the signs of potential virus infection.