When I was younger, my gaming play style often involved shooting everything that moved. It wasn’t such a bad strategy in an era of games like Doom and Wolfenstein; after all, the games weren’t especially complicated and really, there wasn’t much else you could do. But times have changed.
These days, most games offer a wide range of options. Though the core element in most games is still killing and violence, there are also ample opportunities to be sneaky and avoid conflict altogether. Though I still occasionally enjoy mindlessly blasting away at enemies, I much prefer to be sneaky… to use strategy and tactics.
Lara Being Stealthy
I’m happy to see that Rise of the Tomb Raider will allow a high degree of stealth and trickery. Check out this new stealth playthrough of the ‘Advancing Storms’ level for a good example.
Rise of the Tomb Raider is coming out later this year for Xbox One and PC, and apparently sometime next year for Playstation 4 because Microsoft probably paid Crystal Dynamics a whole lot of money. Stayed tuned for more trailers, screenshots, and rantings.