If you’re a modern man, you’ll probably be going for a run this week — hopefully several times. Staying in shape and maintaining a good fitness level is a prerequisite in this day and age after all.
And now you can win a prize while you run the streets.
Old Spice has created a cool, new digital campaign aimed at joggers, allowing those of all ages and ability levels to chart their process while having a bit of fun at the same time.
Start by visiting OldSpiceDreamRunner.com on your mobile phone. The webpage will allow you to plan a run — and that’s the key. Divert from you normal, boring route to come up with a new pattern through your neighborhood in the shape of whatever prize you want to win.
Dream up anything you can think of. Maybe that’s a guitar. Maybe it’s a coffee mug. Or perhaps you want to go with a rocket ship. Your choice.
Then leave the page open as you complete your workout and watch the program draw your route on the map. Now all you have to do is submit your finished run (with the touch of a single button) and wait for the prizes to roll in. The better your route, the better your chances to win, so be sure to make yours clever, entertaining, and accurate.

I mean, you’re going to run anyway.
Why not try to get something — other than dirty laundry — out of your time? With everything from a chromed-out toaster to a surfboard awarded so far, the Old Spice Dream Runner prizes are endless. Hundreds have already won, and in all, the company will be giving some 1,200 prizes — including three grand prizes (!!!) — before Old Spice Dream Runner ends on May 28.
As Old Spice says, if you can run it, you can own it.
The Dream Runner challenge is also a wonderful way to put the new Old Spice Hardest Working Collection to the ultimate sweat test and prove that its Odor Blocker Antiperspirant, Sweat Defense Antiperspirant, and Dirt Destroyer Body Wash are truly up to the task.
To participate, and see the most up to date prizing details, please visit www.OldSpiceDreamRunner.com and follow Old Spice on Facebook and Twitter.
This Week’s Dream Runner Daily Prizes (next week’s will be announced on 5/23)
Monday, 5/16 – A grill (awarded)
Tuesday, 5/17 – Inflatable hot tub (awarded)
Wednesday, 5/18 – Globe that opens up & holds stuff (awarded)
Thursday, 5/19 – Surfboard (awarding today)
Friday, 5/20 – Camera Drone
Saturday, 5/21 – Plush reclining chair
Sunday, 5/22 – Telescope