Humans are getting lazier and lazier by the day. We have all these crazy inventions coming out that make simple tasks such as short distance walks obsolete. We have the Yike Bike,Segway, and electric skateboards just to name a few examples.
And now, we can also add electric skates to that list. The electric skates, dubbed as Skataz, uses a 350 watt motor to help you move. The electric motor is attached to one skate as that is sufficient enough to propel you in a forward direction. The Skataz are a bit bulky but the good thing is that you do not have to worry about taking your shoes off to wear them. Top speed of the Skataz is 13.5 miles per hour and acceleration seems to be pretty decent too.
The bad thing about the Skataz is that the control mechanism for the motor speed is connected via a cable or wire. I can see some issues with that. The electric skates are currently not in production and maybe that is also a good thing. We’ll keep you updated if anything comes of this gadget. Check out the video below of the Skataz in action.

i wont to buy this Skataz – Electric Powered Skates
how mutch is it i wont them