What’s better than scrambling the night before Valentine’s Day to get a thoughtful present because you put it off? Basically everything. The DMV, parking tickets, visit the dentist. At best, those are all toss-ups. Seriously though, get it together. This is the year you plan well ahead and nail your Valentine’s Day gift.
If you routinely plan ahead and have it together, we love to hear it and hope you do it again this year. Need a little inspiration to get you started? We have you covered. Read on for some Valentine’s Day gift ideas your significant other will love.
1. Jewelry
This is a classic for a reason. There’s never a bad time to gift jewelry, but there are plenty of good times to gift it. Valentine’s Day is one of them if you’re playing along at home. You don’t have to propose on Valentine’s Day to gift jewelry. How about just a great piece of everyday jewelry she can wear? That never hurts. If you want to show your commitment but are not ready to propose, a promise ring could also make your shortlist.
2. Food and Drink
They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. We also have it on good authority that women enjoy food as well. Know she loves a certain brand of chocolate? Certain restaurant? How about a coffee subscription to keep her caffeinated?
Go with something you know she likes. There’s nothing wrong with playing the hits on Valentine’s Day. Of course, you’re more than welcome to do something exciting and experimental, like try a new restaurant or a fun drink subscription box.
If you really want to dial it up a notch, get a nice bottle of wine and a reservation at a fancy restaurant. If fancy isn’t usually your thing, read up a little bit, and don’t be surprised when they mention the phrase “corkage fee.”
3. Clothes and Shoes
You can get something nice here if you know she has something in mind. Alternatively, cozy things are always winners. Fuzzy socks, nice pair of slippers, and a robe. If it’s comfortable, it’s a win. Of course, use your best discretion. It feels like you should probably know what she wears by now. If you’re newly dating, maybe hold off on this one and stick to the safer bets like jewelry and flowers.
4. Home Goods and Décor
Whether you live together or not, a piece of home décor is a great choice. It can be anything from a candle to a painting. Of course, like the clothing one, make sure you know her taste if you don’t live together. Those of you with a good eye for interior design have a long leash for trying this one out.
5. Plants
If you’ve never heard of these things called succulents, you’re in for a treat. Of course, you’d have to actively go out of your way to be unaware of succulents at this point, but we don’t know your life. If she likes plants in the home, this gift will always be a winner. If she’s not exactly a green thumb, you may be sacrificing a plant on the altar of Valentine’s Day. Try not to think about it. Thank the plant for its service, and move on.
6. Gear for Her Hobby
This is a dicey one. You can knock it out of the park if you know what you’re doing. You’ve gifted her a moral dilemma if you don’t know what you’re doing. Read up on her fave hobby if you aren’t familiar with the ins and outs of it. Plus, it’s just a good thing to do anyway to stay engaged with her. Win-win.
If she’s got a really obscure hobby, this might be tough. Consult friends and family and any information you can find online before deciding. If you aren’t certain about it, moving on to another gift is best.

7. Self-Care Essentials
Who doesn’t love a good essential oil? They are, after all, essential. Diffusers, skincare products, and thinly sliced cucumbers to use as eye patches while sitting at the pool. Whatever is going to make her feel relaxed is a go. Especially if there’s a certain product or brand you know she likes, this will be a fantastic gift.
8. Solve a Problem
Look, at a certain point in a relationship; things get more pragmatic. It’s not bad. In fact, it’s great. If you’ve been together long enough that an ice scraper is romantic, congrats.
Seriously though, if there’s a problem she’s constantly mentioning that has a simple solution, solve that problem. Maybe it’s an ice scraper or a gift card to a coffee shop closer to her work that makes her commute more convenient. Whatever that problem is, see if you can dial up a solution.
The best way to plan ahead for Valentine’s Day gifts is to list. Has she mentioned something she really wants? A concert she really wants to go to? Whatever it is, if you keep your eyes open, you can get something specific that she both wants and can use.