I used to live in a small town called Rolla, Missouri. It’s a boring small town just like any other tiny American city where kids hang out in parking lots to kill time and the local high school football team is their main source of Friday night entertainment. One thing I specifically remember about Rolla was the thunderstorms and tornadoes that would come around each and every year. Now living in Vancouver, BC, it certainly rains often but never any thunderstorms and most definitely no tornadoes around here. I don’t miss the town but I do miss that wild weather even if it was dangerous at times.
Thanks to the Teaching Desktop Tornado, I can now have the twister that I desire but without having to worry about my life being in danger or maybe having the roof of the building torn off. I don’t know why I’m fascinated by tornadoes but it might have to do with the fact how powerful mother nature can be and us humans are are just tiny little creatures when it comes to these natural marvels.

The Teaching Desktop Tornado is a 25-inch high cylinder that can create the wind of a genuine mini-twister and deliver a controlled tornado right in your office or cubicle while you work. If you don’t want it at your desk, your kids will love to have this device at home and keep them busy for hours while you watch Top Gear, watch a football game, or browse Unfinished Man.
This cool gadget works by using an atomizer to convert water into a fine mist, which is then subject to some strategically placed fans to recreate the whirling wind effect. The user manual provided also gives you tips on how to do various experiments to create different effects since there are different types of tornadoes.
The device will set you back $330.95. For more details, head over to Flinn Scientific website.