Something wonderful has been happening in the world these past few years: everything is being decentralized. From computers to business to currencies, everything is becoming leaner, more efficient, and spread around.
Perhaps you’re thinking, that’s great… but what does it have to do with fashion? It turns out this has a lot to do with fashion, because we’re seeing these exact same changes in the fashion industry as a whole. It’s a given that Goliath clothing companies dominate the fashion industry, but that’s quickly changing.

People are waking up, and more and more fashion and garment businesses are springing up to cater to this growing demographic. Less massive stores carrying everything, and far more smaller, more curated stores carrying a selection of highly curated garments that fit their values and specialties.
Personally, I’m thrilled with this progression. I’ve been saying for years that people should ditch “fast fashion” in favor of higher quality, longer lasting garments. This goes hand in hand with sustainability, a quality that many big box stores do not encompass. I’m not going to name names here, but if you pay your employees minimum wage and sell your clothing for a pittance, your business simply isn’t going to last forever. Expect to see a radical reduction in this business model over the coming years and decades, with people like Jill Wenger leading the charge.
It’s an exciting time to be alive, especially if you appreciate well made garments.