The myth of Atlantis has haunted scientists and curious people since Plato´s age. This amazing civilization which apparently sank leaving no trace behind has always sounded so mysterious and cool that it inspired fiction projects all over the world. Despite this, no evidence of its existence was ever found.
However, there are other sunk cities! Yes, you read well. A bunch of cities that due to natural causes (or…) have sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Take for example Port Royal, Jamaica. A citiy full of pirates, gamblers and prostitution, it sank due to a huge earthquake in 1692.
Then you have Alexandria. The name probably rings a bell, as it was a very important place during the peak of the Egyptian Empire. A lot of ruins seem to indicate that this was probably the location of Cleopatra´s palace. It was also sunk by an earthquake.

Finally, there´s Shi Cheng. This is also known as the “Lion City”, and its a very special case compared with the previous two. This is an intentional Atlantis. It was sunk in 1959 in the artificial lake of Qiandao, and its now a great attraction for tourist. A controversial move, but when you see the pictures it really makes you want to go.