Are you tired of tossing and turning all night, only to wake up feeling like you’ve been hit by a truck? Fear not, dear reader! We’ve scoured the internet, consulted with sleep experts, and even tried a few things ourselves (including counting sheep, but that just made us more awake) to bring you the ultimate guide to better sleep. Trust us, after reading this article, you’ll be snoozing like a baby in no time.
Understand Your Sleep Cycle
To understand how to improve your sleep, it is important to understand your sleep cycle. Sleep cycles typically occur in 90-minute intervals and consist of five stages: light sleep, deep sleep, REM sleep, and a transitional stage between wakefulness and sleep. Each cycle has its own purpose and understanding how your body cycles through each one can help you make the most of your nightly rest.
Let’s take a closer look at the science of sleep cycles:
Learn about the different stages of sleep

The sleep cycle is made up of five distinct stages. During each stage, your body and brain experience different physiological changes, and the quality of sleep you experience in each stage plays an important role in your overall health and well-being. The five stages of sleep are progressive, which means that as you move through the night, your brain gradually moves from one stage to the next.
- Stage 1: This is the brief period of light sleep when you first begin to drift off. Your breathing and heart rate slow down as your muscles relax. It lasts about 5-10 minutes before your body enters deeper sleep.
- Stage 2: As the body relaxes further during Stage 2, breathing patterns become more regular, brain waves slow down, and muscle activity decreases even more. This is the stage where most people spend between 50% to 70% of their total sleeping time.
- Stage 3: Also known as deep or slow wave sleep (SWS), this stage marks a transition into a much deeper level of relaxation than Stages 1 & 2 combined. Breathing becomes slower, and brain waves continue to diminish, but now they increase in amplitude (high intensity) as well as frequency (low intensity). Once this stage is reached, it can be difficult to wake you up until it has ended.
- Stage 4: This is also referred to as delta or ultra-slow wave sleep (USWS). Brain waves during this phase are larger than during any other sleeping phase; they are at their highest amplitudes but at their lowest frequencies/intensities yet. Unlike earlier phases, there will be no eye movement or muscle activity present here – even if given a strong auditory cue like clapping loudly nearby! It’s possible for someone to enter REM after only about 10 minutes here on occasion, but generally, you’ll stay in this phase for around 45-60 minutes before transitioning into REM.
- REM Sleep: Finally, after all these stages are completed comes Rapid Eye Movement Sleep (REM). During REM, your eyes move rapidly from side to side behind closed eyelids, along with increased respiration rate and heart rate. This phase can last between 5-30 minutes depending on how much total time has been spent asleep so far that night – with each successive cycle getting longer until morning arrives!
Identify what type of sleeper you are
An important step in trying to maximize your sleeping habits is first understanding how your body responds to sleep. People tend to fall into one of two categories: morning larks or night owls.
A morning lark wakes up early and feels most energized right when they wake up, while a night owl typically prefers to be up later and has more energy available at deep sleep near the end of the night. You may not fit into just one category, but many of us find that either category applies more strongly than the other.
Identifying which type of sleeper you are should help you plan for bedtime accordingly since it will then be easier for you to decide on when would be the best time for you to go to bed and wake up. For example, if you are a night owl but have an 8 AM meeting, you will want to hit the sack (and turn off all electronic devices) earlier in order for you to generate enough energy for the day’s activities without having an excessive amount of coffee. On weekends or days off, however, feel free to adapt your schedule as needed so that it fits with what type of sleeper you are: if being awake at 6 AM works better for your night owl tendencies, then go ahead!
The bottom line is that knowing what type of sleeper fits better with your body’s hormones should help guide you towards a good sleeping routine – or lack thereof – depending on what works best for us individually!
Set Up a Healthy Sleep Environment
Getting a good night’s rest is essential for a healthy lifestyle. Creating a healthy sleep environment can help improve your sleep quality and help you wake up feeling more refreshed in the morning.
Here are some tips you can use to set up a conducive sleep environment and have a peaceful night’s sleep:
Keep your bedroom dark and cool
Light plays a big role in our body’s natural sleep/wake cycle. The hormone melatonin is released when it’s dark to help us feel sleepy. It’s important to keep your bedroom as dark as possible. If you need light for any reason, try blue-light-blocking glasses or invest in blackout curtains to block excess light from windows and/or street lamps.
The ideal temperature for sleeping greatly varies between individuals, but the optimal temperature range is considered to be between 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit (16-19 degrees Celsius). To achieve this range while sleeping, try setting your thermostat lower at night and using extra blankets if necessary. Keeping your bedroom drafty is also a good idea since cool air can help regulate body temperature and ensure uninterrupted sleep.
Use blackout curtains or an eye mask
Creating a peaceful sleep environment can help foster a restful and relaxing night. The less light that is present in your bedroom, the better sleep you will achieve. To do this, use blackout curtains or an eye mask before settling into bed. Light from sources like electronics, such as TVs, computers, and phones, should also be eliminated for the best sleep hygiene.
Investing in blackout curtains not only allows for the right environment, but it could save on energy by trapping heat inside during winter months and preventing too much sun from streaming into a room in the warmer seasons. An eye mask can also be used if you can’t purchase blackout curtains or if they don’t offer complete coverage of your bedroom windows and door openings. The eye mask should hug your face closely to ensure all light is kept out while still being comfortable enough to keep on while sleeping.
Eliminating light sources will encourage better quality sleep and create an optimal sleeping environment so you can get the restful sleep your body requires!
Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillow
When you’re trying to set up a healthy sleep environment, it’s all about comfort. Investing in a mattress and pillow that are comfortable will help you reach an optimum level of relaxation when it comes time for bed.
For mattresses, the firmness of your mattress is up to personal preference. Some people prefer firmer mattresses for more support, while others find them too hard. Soft mattresses may be more comfortable than their firmer counterparts, but they can also lead to sinking in over time and provide less back support. Try out different types of mattresses until you find one that feels most comfortable for you.
When it comes to pillows, the most important factor is finding something that supports your neck and head comfortably as you sleep. Consider how frequently you switch from side-to-side or back-to-stomach while sleeping, as well as any underlying medical conditions such as allergies or asthma when selecting your pillow type and firmness level. Memory foam pillows contour to any sleep style, but not everyone feels the same way about them: if possible, test out a few different types!
Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of quality sheets – opt for 100% cotton percale or sateen sheets with a higher thread count (400 – 800) if possible! Cotton is breathable, which helps keep the temperature regulated while sleeping.
Establish a Relaxing Pre-Sleep Routine
Having a consistent pre-sleep routine helps to signal your body that it’s time to rest and relax. Taking a few minutes to engage in calming and soothing activities before hopping into bed can do wonders for your quality and quantity of sleep.
This article will provide tips and hacks for creating a relaxing pre-sleep routine:
Avoid screens and blue light
Blue light from digital screens can keep you awake. Studies have found that the blue wavelength light emitted by digital devices like smartphones, television, and laptop screens slows the production of melatonin, which helps regulate your body’s sleep-wake cycle. Avoiding bright screens and blue light is essential for creating a relaxing pre-sleep routine, as it helps foster a better night’s rest.
Dim or turn off all lights in your bedroom an hour before heading to bed to give yourself time to naturally wind down and produce melatonin on its own. During this pre-sleep hour, you should avoid using electronic devices as much as possible to steer clear of that blue light. Read a book or finish a jigsaw puzzle instead of checking email or scrolling through social media right before bedtime.
Take gentle steps towards better sleep habits by settling down before bed with a warm bath or shower, followed by some quiet activities such as meditation and journaling. Make sure you engage in activities that help your mind calm down and relax, so it’s ready for sleep when the time comes.
Take a warm bath or shower
Taking a warm bath or shower is an incredibly effective way to prepare your body and mind for a restful night’s sleep. It’s important not to set the temperature too high since this will deplete energy instead of helping you relax. The ideal temperature of a warm bath or shower before bed should be around 95°F – 104°F (35°C – 40°C).
Not only does this help you prepare for sleep, but it also can improve circulation, soothe irritated skin and reduce stress. A single or combination of essential oils added to a warm bath can offer even more relaxation. Lavender essential oil has become increasingly popular for its calming effect and has been proven to reduce stress levels; however, any essential oil should be used with caution on sensitive skin and diluted with a carrier oil before use.
Taking steps to eliminate smells such as perfumes or scented candles after entering the bedroom ensures that everything works together cohesively toward promoting good quality sleep.
Read a book or listen to calming music
Reading a book or listening to calming music is an effective way of winding down before bed and allowing your body and mind to feel relaxed. Reading is an especially useful activity because it doesn’t involve looking at any screens, which can stimulate the brain and cause you to stay awake longer. Choose books that evoke emotions, but aren’t stimulating in themselves so that you don’t become too invested in them right before sleep.
Listening to calming music before sleep can also help reduce stress levels and send signals to your brain that it’s time to go to sleep. Look for slower tempos and instrumentals that don’t contain explicit words so as not to keep your mind alert while trying to rest. Music with a consistent rhythm is best, such as classical or symphonic genres. Ensure that the volume level is set so it’s audible yet still quiet enough for you not to get distracted by the sound itself.
Adding some gentle background noise from a fan or nature sound machine can help further enhance the calming atmosphere and make it easier for you to drift off into a deep slumber:
- Fan
- Nature sound machine
Develop Healthy Sleep Habits
Developing healthy sleep habits can help you get better, more restful sleep and make sleep a priority in your life. A good place to start is by scheduling your sleep and making it part of your daily routine. Avoiding screens before bed and setting yourself up for success by creating a peaceful environment are also some great tips for getting better sleep. Let’s dive into the ways to develop healthy sleep habits.
Exercise regularly
Getting regular, moderate-intensity exercise can help promote healthy sleep habits. Regular physical activity helps to reduce fatigue, improves alertness throughout the day, and promotes better quality sleep at night. It may also help to prevent insomnia and other disorders that can lead to difficulty sleeping.
It is important to avoid exercising or engaging in physically demanding activities right before bedtime as this can make it harder to fall asleep. When creating your fitness regimen, consider the type of exercise you’re doing as well as its intensity and duration. For instance, higher-intensity cardio is more likely to keep your body awake and alert than a relaxing yoga class. Also, be mindful of the time of day you are exercising when planning for a restful night’s sleep. Moderate aerobic activity such as walking or swimming at least 30 minutes each day is usually enough for most people and should be done in the early evening hours rather than late at night when possible.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol
To make sure your sleep is restful and uninterrupted, it’s important to avoid caffeine, as well as alcohol, several hours before you plan on going to bed. Caffeine is a stimulant that can interfere with your sleep and can take up to 8 hours for it to fully leave your system. Even if you don’t feel awake, the effects of caffeine may still be present in your body.
Alcohol might make you feel drowsy at first, allowing for easier falling asleep, but it can cause disruptions in sleep during the night. This is due to its tendency to lower serotonin and increase stress hormones, leading to lighter sleep overall or even complete awakenings during the night. Additionally, having too much alcohol before going to bed tends to worsen snoring and other forms of sleep apnea, which may affect the quality and duration of your nightly rest.
It’s recommended that adults keep caffeinated beverages intake below 400 mg a day (a standard cup of coffee contains about 95 mg of caffeine). Quality sleep hygiene should also include avoiding either substance at least 6 hours before bedtime in order for them not to interfere with one’s healthy sleeping patterns.
Stick to a consistent sleep schedule
One of the most important habits for restful, quality sleep is having and sticking to a consistent sleep schedule. Going to bed and waking up at the same times every day – including weekends – helps regulate your body’s internal clock so it knows when it’s time to wind down and when it needs to be alert. Even on days you’re not feeling tired, you should lie down in bed at the same time each night if possible.
This includes morning times as well. Even if you feel like you could use an extra thirty minutes or an hour of snoozing, try to get up at the same time every day. Maintaining a regular rise time sends your body cues that this is when alertness should kick in – which can help resist the urge to keep hitting snooze or take long naps later on in the day.
Creating a relaxing pre-bedtime ritual can also help support your body’s natural rhythms. Aim for about 30 minutes each night before bed spent doing calming activities such as yoga, reading or light stretches that don’t involve stimulating electronics (like TV or screens). The goal is for your brain to begin winding down and start delivering signals to your body that it’s almost time for sleep – a process called “sleep onset latency.”
Address Stress and Anxiety
Stress and anxiety have a big impact on the quality of your sleep. If you are feeling anxious or stressed, it is essential that you deal with these issues in order to get a good night’s sleep.
There are several strategies you can use to reduce stress and anxiety, such as:
- Exercising regularly
- Meditating
- Writing in a journal
Understanding the impact of stress and anxiety on sleep and addressing it is key to getting a restful night’s sleep.
Practice relaxation techniques
Relaxation techniques such as mindful breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, yoga, or visualization can be helpful ways to reduce stress and anxiety.
- Mindful breathing is the practice of focusing your attention on your breath. You can do this with or without the use of a meditation app or website.
- Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing each muscle group in your body one at a time for a few seconds and then relaxing them for 10-15 seconds allowing for complete relaxation of the body.
- Yoga combines physical movements with mindful-breathing techniques that, when practiced on a regular basis will help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.
- Visualization is the practice of creating mental images to help you achieve relaxation and calmness by picturing yourself in a peaceful setting, like on a beach or in nature.
Practicing one or more of these relaxation techniques at least once per day will help you to address stress and anxiety in order to get better sleep.
Write in a journal
One of the best and most effective things you can do to reduce stress and anxiety when going to bed is to write in a journal. Writing your thoughts down can be a great way to get rid of negative energy and reflect on how far you have come or what accomplishments you have made throughout the day. Doing this allows us to take a positive perspective on our day instead of thinking about the negatives or worrying about what could go wrong tomorrow.
It doesn’t have to be complicated; simply jotting down three things that you are grateful for every night can do wonders for how well you sleep. Additionally, it can also help clear your mind as well as recognize patterns in your worries or fears; this helps you identify where the root cause of any stress might come from and then work through it in a more proactive manner.
Taking time each night to jot down your thoughts is a form of reflection, which can help train our minds for better sleep routines and improve our overall quality of restful sleep.
Talk to a therapist or sleep specialist

Talking to a professional through therapy or sleep counseling can play an important role in addressing and relieving stress and anxiety. A certified therapist or sleep specialist can help you identify and process the source of your worries, give you better tools to manage anxiety, reduce negative thinking and create positive lifestyle changes.
Therapy is especially helpful if your stress and anxiety impact your ability to get quality sleep on a regular basis. It gives you an additional layer of support from an outside expert who can work with you on developing psychological strategies for calming yourself down and handling difficult thought patterns and physical symptoms such as restlessness, tightness in the chest, racing heartbeat, sweating, or shallow breathing. This can involve cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques such as mindfulness meditation, and visualization exercises to calm the body and mind for better sleep.
Sleep specialists are experts at understanding the relationship between sleep disorders and underlying mental health issues that may be impacting your ability to rest properly. They recommend treatments like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) which helps change faulty thought patterns that keep people awake at night by introducing healthy lifestyle modifications such as setting a regular bedtime routine, regulating bedtime habits, and monitoring nighttime exposure to technology screens before heading off to bed. The goal is to teach individuals how to recognize associations between thoughts organically leading towards more restful nights ahead!