My Honest Thinkific Review: 7 Pros & Cons for 2024

Feeling overwhelmed trying to find the right platform for your online courses? Trust me, I get it. As someone who’s successfully sold two courses on Thinkific, I’ve really dug deep into its features and quirks.

In this Thinkific review, I’ll give you the honest scoop on whether it’s the right fit for you in 2024. So, grab a coffee and let’s dive in – you ready?

Key Takeaways

Thinkific offers a user-friendly course builder with drag-and-drop features, making it easy for creators to build online courses without coding skills.

The platform has no transaction fees on any plan, allowing course creators to keep more of their earnings.

Thinkific integrates with over 90 apps, giving users flexibility to connect marketing and sales tools.

While the free plan is generous, paid plans starting at $49/month are needed to access more advanced features like unlimited courses and custom domains.

Some users report issues with limited design options, slow customer support response times, and clunky bulk student enrolment processes.

Detailed Features of Thinkific

A woman in her 30s is working on creating a course on Thinkific.

Thinkific packs a punch with its features. Let’s dive into what makes this platform tick – from course creation to marketing tools.

Course Creation Essentials

A cluttered desk with a laptop, notebooks, and a cup of coffee.

I love how easy Thinkific makes course creation. First, I pick a template that fits my style. Then, I build my course chapter by chapter, lesson by lesson. It’s like putting together a puzzle, but way more fun! I can add videos, text, quizzes, and other cool stuff to keep my students engaged.

Video content is a big deal in online courses. Thinkific handles it well, but it takes some time. My videos usually take 30-60 minutes to process. Pro tip: I use Handbrake to compress my videos before uploading.

It saves time and keeps quality high. Plus, it makes my Thinkific reviews shine! Now, let’s talk about how Thinkific helps with marketing and sales.

Course creation with Thinkific is like cooking – mix the right ingredients, and you’ve got a recipe for success!

Marketing and Sales Enhancements

A small business owner analyzing sales data using Thinkific's analytics tools.

Thinkific’s marketing tools pack a punch. I’ve used their free preview lessons to hook potential students. It’s like giving folks a taste of the good stuff before they buy. Plus, I’ve boosted sales with discount coupons.

These nifty features help me reach more people and turn lookers into buyers. The platform makes it easy to spread the word about my courses.

I’m a big fan of Thinkific’s analytics too. They let me track important stuff like sales and income. It’s like having a crystal ball for my business. I can see what’s working and what’s not.

But here’s the rub – if you want the really fancy stats, you’ll need to shell out for a pricier plan. Still, even the basic numbers help me make smart choices. Next up, let’s dive into how Thinkific handles user experience.

Community Engagement Tools

An online course forum platform with interactive quizzes and gamified elements.

I love how Thinkific helps me build a tight-knit community around my courses. Their tools let me create forums where students chat and share ideas. I can even set up membership sites to keep folks coming back.

It’s cool – I can offer free trials to get people hooked. And the quizzes? They’re a hit. My students dig ’em, and they help me see who’s really getting the material. Plus, Thinkific plays nice with Zapier, so I can automate a bunch of stuff.

It’s like having a virtual assistant!

The app store is another gem. I’ve found some nifty add-ons that boost engagement big time. Like, there’s this one that gamifies learning – my students are totally into it. It’s made my courses feel more like fun challenges than boring lectures.

And you know what? It’s working. I’m seeing more people stick around and actually finish the courses. That’s a win in my book!

User Experience with Thinkific

A woman in her thirties works in a cozy home office.

I’ve spent hours clicking around Thinkific. It’s pretty slick! The layout’s clean, and finding stuff is a breeze. You’ll love how easy it is to make your courses look good.

Interface and Navigation

I love how easy Thinkific makes it to build courses. The dashboard is clean and simple. Everything’s right where you need it. I can jump from creating lessons to checking sales stats in seconds.

It’s like having a well-organized toolbox – all my course-building tools are neatly laid out and ready to use.

But there’s a catch. Some of the fancier features took me a while to figure out. I had to play around a bit to get the hang of things like setting up quizzes or customizing my course page.

It’s not rocket science, but it’s not instant either. Still, once I got the basics down, I found myself zipping through course creation like a pro. The learning curve is worth it for the power you get in the end.

Customization Capabilities

After getting the hang of Thinkific’s interface, I dove into its customization options. Boy, was I impressed! Thinkific lets you tweak almost everything about your online course. I could change the course name, image, and description in a snap.

Even better, I played around with colors and fonts to match my brand. It felt like painting my own digital classroom.

For newbies, Thinkific offers three pre-made themes on the free plan. But if you’re willing to shell out for a paid plan, you can upload your own custom theme. That’s not all – if you know your way around code, you can add custom CSS or JavaScript.

I’m no coding whiz, but I managed to add some cool touches to my course pages. It’s like having a Swiss Army knife for course design!

Accessibility Support

Moving from customization to accessibility, let’s talk about how Thinkific handles support for all users. I’ve dug into this area, and I’ve got some thoughts to share.

Thinkific claims to be easy to use, but I couldn’t find much info on specific accessibility features. It’s a bit of a letdown. I’d love to see more details on screen reader compatibility or keyboard navigation.

As someone who values inclusivity, I hope they’ll beef up their accessibility game soon. It’s crucial for reaching all learners.

A platform is only as good as its ability to serve everyone.

Advantages of Thinkific

A person creating an online course in a cozy home office.

Thinkific’s got some sweet perks up its sleeve. No extra fees on transactions? Check. A course builder that’s a breeze to use? You bet. And don’t even get me started on all the cool stuff you can plug into it.

But hey, there’s more to this story… Keep reading to see if Thinkific’s the right fit for your online teaching dreams!

No Extra Transaction Fees

I love that Thinkific doesn’t charge extra fees on course sales. It’s a huge plus for creators like me. I get to keep more of what I earn, which is awesome. No sneaky costs eating into my profits.

I can set my course prices without worrying about hidden charges. It’s refreshing to find a platform that’s upfront about costs.

This feature really sets Thinkific apart from some other online course platforms. I’ve used ones before that took a cut of every sale. It felt like I was always giving away a chunk of my hard work.

But with Thinkific, what I earn is what I keep. It makes budgeting and planning so much easier. I can focus on creating great content instead of crunching numbers to cover extra fees.

Streamlined Course Builder

I’m a big fan of Thinkific’s streamlined course builder. It’s a breeze to use, even for tech newbies like me. I just drag and drop content where I want it. No coding needed! The pre-made themes are a lifesaver too.

They let me set up my course in no time flat.

Thinkific’s course builder is like LEGO for online education – simple, fun, and endlessly creative.

Adding videos, quizzes, and other cool stuff is super easy. It really spices up the learning for my students. I’ve tried other platforms, but Thinkific’s builder is hands-down the most user-friendly.

It’s helped me focus on teaching, not tech headaches.

Extensive Integration Features

I love how Thinkific plays nice with other tools. It’s like a digital Swiss Army knife for online courses. With over 90 app connections, I can link up my favorite marketing and sales tools in a snap.

Need to sync with Mailchimp? Done. Want to add Stripe for payments? Easy peasy. This flexibility lets me build a course empire without breaking a sweat.

But it’s not just about quantity – the quality of these integrations is top-notch. I can hook up Google Analytics to track my site’s performance, or use Zapier to automate tasks.

It’s like having a team of digital helpers at my fingertips. And the best part? Most of these connections work right out of the box, no coding needed. For a guy who’d rather teach than tinker, that’s music to my ears.

Limitations of Thinkific

A frustrated man in his 30s sits at a cluttered desk.

Thinkific’s got some weak spots. Let’s dive into what might bug you about this platform.

Restricted Design Options

I’ve gotta be straight with you guys – Thinkific’s design options left me wanting more. The page builder feels like it’s stuck in first gear. You can’t really flex your creative muscles or make your courses pop.

It’s like trying to paint a masterpiece with only three colors. Sure, you can get the job done, but it’s not gonna turn heads.

It’s like trying to build a custom car with only a wrench and a screwdriver.

The basic plan? It’s even more bare-bones. You’re pretty much locked into a handful of layouts. It’s like being handed a coloring book but only getting one crayon. For dudes who want their courses to stand out, this might be a deal-breaker.

I found myself wishing for more tools to jazz up my content and make it uniquely mine.

Analysis of Pricing Structures

Thinkific’s pricing structure is a bit of a mixed bag. I’ve used their plans and can say they offer good value, but there are some quirks. The free plan is good for trying things out, but it’s pretty limited.

You’ll need to shell out $49 a month for the Basic plan to get more features. That’s not cheap, especially if you’re just starting out.

I found the higher tiers – Start at $99 and Grow at $199 monthly – offer more. They include cool stuff like quizzes and assignments. But here’s the thing – you might need these for serious course creation.

It feels like Thinkific is nudging users towards pricier options. The lack of built-in email marketing is a letdown too. You’ll need to factor in costs for third-party tools. Let’s compare how Thinkific measures up to the competition.

Customer Support Timeliness

I’ve got mixed feelings about Thinkific’s customer support. On the plus side, they offer a knowledge base and live chat for paid plans. Pro users even get priority support. But here’s the rub – all users have to fill out a form for email help.

That’s a real pain when you need quick answers. I once waited hours for a reply about a payment issue. It felt like ages!

The support setup isn’t all bad, but it could use some work. For urgent problems, the form system falls short. I’d love to see faster response times, especially for basic plan users.

Maybe adding phone support would help? Next up, let’s dive into Thinkific’s pricing models and see if they’re worth your hard-earned cash.

Pricing Models for Thinkific

A man is sitting at a cluttered desk, looking at his laptop.

Let’s talk money. Thinkific’s pricing can make or break your decision to use it.

Comparison of Free and Paid Versions

I’ve been using Thinkific for a while now, and I’ve gotta say, their pricing structure is pretty interesting. Let’s break down the free and paid versions – you might be surprised at what you get (and don’t get) with each.

FeatureFree PlanPaid Plans
Course CreationUp to 3 coursesUnlimited courses
Transaction Fees0%0%
Quizzes & SurveysBasicAdvanced
Custom DomainNoYes
Email IntegrationLimitedFull
SupportEmail onlyEmail + Phone (higher tiers)

Now, here’s the scoop. The free plan’s pretty generous – you can host unlimited students without paying a dime. That’s huge for newbies testing the waters. But… there’s always a catch, right?

With the free version, you’re limited to three courses. That might be fine if you’re just starting, but it’ll cramp your style if you wanna expand. Plus, you’re stuck with Thinkific branding everywhere.

Paid plans open up a whole new world. Unlimited courses, for starters. You also get fancy stuff like certificates, memberships, and advanced customization. But – and it’s a big but – these features come at a price.

I found the mid-tier plans hit the sweet spot for most folks. They give you enough tools to grow without breaking the bank. The top-tier plan? It’s overkill unless you’re running a big operation.

One thing that threw me off – even some paid plans skimp on design options. I had to upgrade to really make my courses pop. It’s not a deal-breaker, but it’s something to keep in mind.

Bottom line? The free plan’s great for dipping your toes in. But if you’re serious about online courses, you’ll probably outgrow it fast. Just weigh your needs against your budget before you dive in.

Detailed Tier Analysis

Let’s break down Thinkific’s pricing tiers. I’ve crunched the numbers and compiled a handy table for you guys. Check it out:

PlanMonthly PriceKey Features

– 1 course

– Unlimited students

– Basic quizzes

– Content hosting


Unlimited courses

– Drip content

– Custom domain

– Email students


– Live lessons

– Certificates

– 2 site admin accounts

– Advanced pricing options


– 5 site admin accounts

– Advanced reporting

– Groups

– White labeling

Each tier builds on the previous one. The Free plan‘s great for testing the waters. But if you’re serious about online teaching, you’ll want to step up. The Basic plan at $49 a month opens up unlimited courses. That’s a game-changer for many.

The Start plan, priced at $99 monthly, adds some cool extras. Live lessons? Check. Certificates for your students? You bet. It’s perfect for those looking to level up their online school.

Now, the Grow plan… that’s the big leagues. At $199 a month, it’s not cheap. But you get advanced reporting, white labeling, and can add more admins. It’s built for larger operations or those aiming to scale fast.

One cool thing – Thinkific offers discounts on annual plans. You can save a chunk of change on the Start and Grow tiers if you’re ready to commit for a year. Just something to keep in mind when you’re crunching those numbers.

Consumer Insights on Thinkific

A diverse group of adults in a casual setting discussing Thinkific.

Let’s dive into what real users say about Thinkific. I’ve scoured reviews and chatted with folks who’ve used the platform. Their insights paint a clear picture of Thinkific’s strengths and weak spots.

Compliments from Users

I’ve dug deep into what Thinkific users are saying. Their praise paints a clear picture of why this platform stands out.

  1. Easy to use: Many folks rave about how simple Thinkific is to navigate. They love that they can jump right in and start building courses without a tech degree.
  2. Great support: Users often mention the helpful team behind Thinkific. They’re quick to respond and solve problems, which is a big plus for course creators.
  3. Flexible content options: People appreciate the variety of ways they can present their material. From videos to quizzes, Thinkific offers lots of choices.
  4. No extra fees: The lack of transaction fees on top of subscription costs is a big hit. It means more money stays in creators’ pockets.
  5. Solid course builder: Many highlight how smooth the course creation process is. The drag-and-drop feature gets a lot of love for making things quick and easy.
  6. Strong integration features: Users like how well Thinkific plays with other tools. It connects seamlessly with many popular apps and services.
  7. Community tools: The ability to build a community around courses is often praised. It helps keep students engaged and coming back for more.

Common Critiques

While users have praised Thinkific, it’s not all sunshine and roses. Let’s dive into some common gripes folks have about this platform. Here’s what I’ve heard from the trenches:

  1. Payment Hiccups: Some users have run into issues with Thinkific Payments. It’s a bummer when money matters get messy.
  2. Video Upload Woes: Uploading videos can be a pain sometimes. It’s not always smooth sailing in the course creation department.
  3. Customer Support Slowdowns: Getting help when you need it can be hit or miss. Some users feel left hanging when they reach out for support.
  4. Bulk Student Enrollment Lag: Adding lots of students at once? Be ready to wait. The process can crawl along like a snail.
  5. Limited Design Flexibility: If you’re looking to get fancy with your course look, you might feel boxed in. The design options aren’t as wide as some would like.
  6. Pricing Structure Quirks: The cost can add up fast, especially if you need more advanced features. It’s not always wallet-friendly for everyone.
  7. Learning Curve: Some find the platform a bit tricky to master at first. It’s not rocket science, but it’s not a walk in the park either.
  8. Mobile App Limitations: The mobile experience isn’t always top-notch. Some users wish for more on-the-go features.
  9. Integration Hiccups: While Thinkific plays nice with many tools, some users want even more integration options.
  10. Analytics Depth: For data nerds, the reporting tools might feel a bit shallow. Some crave deeper insights into their courses and students.

Thinkific Against the Competition

A woman compares online course platforms in a cluttered home office.

Let’s size up Thinkific against its rivals. I’ve pitted it against Teachable, Kajabi, and Podia to see how it stacks up.

Thinkific vs. Teachable Features

I’ve tested both Thinkific and Teachable extensively. Here’s my take on how they stack up against each other. Spoiler alert: they’re both solid platforms, but each has its strengths.

Course CreationDrag-and-drop builder, multimedia supportSimilar builder, slightly less intuitive
Live EventsZoom integration for live streamingNo native live streaming
Free PlanAvailable, with limited featuresNot offered
Transaction FeesNone on any planCharged on basic plan
Marketing ToolsGood, but not as advancedMore robust email marketing

I’ve found Thinkific’s course builder to be a breeze. It’s like putting together Lego blocks – simple and fun. Teachable’s isn’t bad, but it’s not quite as smooth.

One big win for Thinkific? Live events. I’ve hosted webinars through their Zoom integration, and it’s been… well, let’s just say I felt like a smarter person than usual.

Teachable’s marketing tools pack more punch. Their email system is pretty nifty – it’s helped me stay in touch with students without breaking a sweat.

But here’s the kicker: Thinkific’s free plan. It’s limited, sure, but it’s a great way to dip your toes in without opening your wallet. Teachable? No such luck.

And transaction fees? Thinkific doesn’t touch ’em. Teachable does on their basic plan. It’s not a deal-breaker, but it’s something to keep in mind.

So, which one’s better? It depends on what you need. But I’d say Thinkific edges out Teachable by a hair – especially for newbies or those on a tight budget.

Thinkific vs. Kajabi Benefits

Let’s dive into the Thinkific vs. Kajabi showdown. I’ve used both platforms, and boy, do I have some thoughts to share! Here’s a quick breakdown of how these two online course giants stack up:

PricingMore affordable ($36/month for Basic)Pricier ($119/month for lowest tier)
Free PlanYes, with unlimited studentsNo free option
Transaction FeesNoneVary by plan
Integrations90+ apps10 integrations
Course CreationSimple, drag-and-dropMore complex, but feature-rich
Marketing ToolsBasicAdvanced

Thinkific’s a steal for budget-conscious creators. It’s got that sweet free plan – perfect for testing the waters. Plus, no pesky transaction fees? That’s more cash in your pocket.

Kajabi’s the fancy cousin. It’s got bells and whistles galore for marketing. But man, it’ll cost you. Think of it as the Swiss Army knife of course platforms – does it all, but you might not need all those tools.

I’ve found Thinkific’s course builder a breeze. Drag, drop, done. Kajabi’s got more options, but it can feel like solving a puzzle sometimes.

For tech newbies, Thinkific’s your best bet. It’s like riding a bike with training wheels – you’ll be zooming in no time. Kajabi? It’s more like a motorcycle. Powerful, but there’s a learning curve.

Bottom line? If you’re just starting out or watching your wallet, Thinkific’s your go-to. But if you’re all about that marketing life and have cash to splash, Kajabi might be your jam. Choose wisely, fellas!

Comparing Thinkific and Podia

I’ve spent months testing both Thinkific and Podia. Here’s my take on how they stack up against each other:

Starting PriceFree plan available$41/month basic plan
Course BuilderDrag-and-drop interfaceSimple editor
Digital DownloadsLimited supportFull support
WebinarsNot includedSupported
User InterfaceClean and intuitiveSleek and modern

Thinkific’s free plan is a big plus for newbies. But Podia’s all-in-one platform might be worth the extra cost. It really depends on what you need. Next up, let’s look at who Thinkific is best suited for.

Ideal Thinkific Users

A diverse group of entrepreneurs and experts collaborating on online courses.

Thinkific’s sweet spot? It’s perfect for go-getters who wanna share their smarts online. From solo experts to small biz owners, this platform’s got your back. Curious about who else is crushing it with Thinkific? Keep reading – you might just find your tribe!

Potential Thinkific Audience

I’ve seen Thinkific work wonders for a wide range of folks. It’s great for teachers, coaches, and experts who want to share their know-how online. Small business owners love it too – they can train their teams or sell courses to customers.

I’ve even met artists and crafters who use it to teach their skills. The free plan is a big draw, letting people test the waters before diving in. Plus, the way Thinkific lets you mix up different types of content – videos, quizzes, you name it – means it fits just about any teaching style.

Entrepreneurs and side-hustlers are all over Thinkific. It’s perfect if you’re looking to build a steady income stream from your expertise. I’ve chatted with corporate trainers who swear by it for employee development programs.

And let’s not forget about the influencers and bloggers – they’re using Thinkific to beef up their brand and connect with fans in new ways. It’s really a mixed bag, but that’s what makes it so cool.

No matter what you’re teaching, Thinkific’s got your back.

Appropriate Business Models for Thinkific

Thinkific fits like a glove for certain business models. It’s a dream for folks who sell online courses, training programs, or coaching services. I’ve seen it work wonders for solo entrepreneurs, small businesses, and even larger companies looking to train their staff.

The platform’s flexibility lets you create anything from quick how-to videos to full-blown certification programs.

But here’s the kicker – Thinkific isn’t just for educators. It’s also great for brands wanting to boost customer loyalty through learning experiences. Think of a fitness company offering workout plans, or a software firm providing user tutorials.

The sky’s the limit! With features like landing pages and social media tools, you can market your courses effectively and grow your subscriber base. Plus, the no-transaction-fee policy on paid plans means more money in your pocket.

Is Thinkific Worth Your Time?

A cluttered desk with a laptop open to a course design interface.

I’ve spent months using Thinkific, and here’s my take. It’s a solid choice for guys starting out in online courses. The free plan lets you teach unlimited students without fees – that’s pretty sweet.

Plus, the course builder is a breeze to use. But it’s not all sunshine. Some users gripe about slow support and hidden costs. And if you want fancy features like gamification, you’ll need extra apps.

So, is it worth your time? Well, that depends. If you’re cool with basic design options and don’t mind a learning curve, Thinkific could be your jam. It’s got the essentials for course creation and some nifty marketing tools.

But if you’re after bells and whistles or lightning-fast support, you might want to look elsewhere. Bottom line: Thinkific’s a good fit for beginners who value simplicity over frills.

People Also Ask

1. Is Thinkific good for creating online courses?

Yep, Thinkific’s a solid choice for whipping up online courses. It’s got nifty course creation tools that’ll make you feel like a pro. Plus, it’s pretty user-friendly, so you won’t be pulling your hair out trying to figure things out.

2. How does Thinkific handle payments?

Thinkific’s got your back when it comes to cash. They play nice with credit cards, PayPal, Google Pay, and Apple Pay. It’s like a buffet of payment options! And if you’re into recurring revenue, they’ve got subscriptions covered too.

3. Can I use Thinkific for affiliate marketing?

You bet! Thinkific’s got a sweet setup for affiliate marketing. It’s like having a team of salespeople without the water cooler drama. You can track your affiliates and watch those commissions roll in.

4. Does Thinkific offer good analytics and reporting?

Oh, you data nerds are gonna love this. Thinkific’s analytics and reporting are like a crystal ball for your courses. You’ll see who’s watching your training videos, how they’re doing, and where you can improve. It’s like having a super-smart assistant.

5. How does Thinkific compare to other learning management systems?

Thinkific holds its own against the big dogs. It’s got some tricks up its sleeve that even WordPress and Shopify might envy. But remember, it’s horses for courses. What works for one might not work for another.

6. What kind of support does Thinkific offer?

Thinkific’s got your back like a good friend. They’ve got a bunch of FAQs, a moderator to help out, and even a service level agreement if you’re feeling fancy. It’s like having a safety net while you’re walking the tightrope of online learning.

  3. (2024-04-11)




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    Chad is the co-founder of Unfinished Man, a leading men's lifestyle site. He provides straightforward advice on fashion, tech, and relationships based on his own experiences and product tests. Chad's relaxed flair makes him the site's accessible expert for savvy young professionals seeking trustworthy recommendations on living well.

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